dimanche 31 mars 2019

File : Prealgebra, 2nd Edition Test bank For sale

Prealgebra, 2nd Edition

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Digital file of Prealgebra, 2nd Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Prealgebra, 2nd Edition by Tom Carson, San Diego Mesa College ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Note: Each ends with a Summary, Review Exercises, and a Chapter Test.  Starting with Chapter 2, each chapter also ends with a Cumulative Review.



To The Student
What Is Your Personal Learning Style?

Chapter 1.   Whole Numbers

Introduction to Numbers, Notation, and Rounding
Adding, Subtracting, and Solving Equations with Whole Numbers
Multiplying Whole Numbers and Exponents
Dividing, Square Roots, and Solving Equations with Whole Numbers
Order of Operations
Variables, Formulas, and Solving Equations
More with Problem Solving and Applications

Chapter 2. Integers

Introduction to Integers
Adding Integers
Subtracting Integers and Solving Equations
Multiplying, Dividing, and Solving Equations with Integers
Order of Operations
Applications and Problem Solving

Chapter 3. Expressions and Polynomials

Evaluating Expressions
Introduction to Polynomials
Simplifying Polynomials
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Multiplying Polynomials

Prime Numbers and GCF
Introduction to Factoring
Applications and Problem Solving

Chapter 4. Equations

Equations and Their Solutions
The Addition/Subtraction Principle of Equality 
The Multiplication/Division Principle of Equality
Translating Word Sentences to Equations
Applications and Problem Solving

Chapter 5. Fractions and Rational Expressions

Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Rational Expressions
Simplifying Fractions and Rational Expressions
Multiplying Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Rational Expressions
Dividing Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Rational Expressions
Least Common Multiple
Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Rational Expressions.
Order of Operations and Evaluating and Simplifying Expressions
Solving Equations

Chapter 6. Decimals

Decimals and Rational Numbers
Adding and Subtracting with Decimals and Solving Equations
Multiplying Decimal Numbers; Exponents with Decimal Bases
Dividing and Roots with Decimals
Order of Operations and Applications in Geometry
Solving Equations and Problem Solving

Chapter 7. Ratios, Proportions, and Measurement

Ratios, Probability, and Rates
American Measurement
Metric Measurement
Converting Between the American and Metric Systems
Applications and Problem Solving

Chapter 8. Percents

Introduction to Percent
Translating Percent Sentences Word-for-Word
Translating Percent Sentences to Proportions
Solving Percent Problems (Portions)
Solving Problems Involving Percent of Increase or Decrease
Solving Problems Involving Interest

Chapter 9. Statistics and Graphs

Mean, Median, and Mode
Tables, Charts, and Graphs
The Rectangular Coordinate System
Graphing Linear Equations
Applications with Graphing

Appendix: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises, All Review Exercises, and All Practice Test Problems


File : Prealgebra, 2nd Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Prealgebra, 2nd Edition Test bank , Prealgebra, 2nd Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Prealgebra, 2nd Edition zip , Tom Carson, San Diego Mesa College

File : Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition Test bank For sale

Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

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Digital file of Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition by Kenneth C. Laudon, New York University Jane Laudon, New York University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents



I.  Information Systems in the Digital Age                                                                     

1. Business Information Systems in Your Career

2. Global E-business and Collaboration                     

3. Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems                                                                           

4. Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

II.  Information Technology Infrastructure

5. IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software

6. Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management                 

7. Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology                     

8. Securing Information Systems


III. Key System Applications for the Digital Age  

9. Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications         

10. E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods

11. Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge                                                                                                                                                                             
IV. Building and Managing Systems                                                                                  

12. Building Information Systems and Managing Projects  


Subject Index

File : Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition Test bank , Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Essentials of MIS, 13th Edition zip , Kenneth C. Laudon, New York University Jane Laudon, New York University

File : History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition Test bank For sale

History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

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Digital file of History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition by Albert C. Baugh, (Deceased) Thomas Cable, University of Texas ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

 1. English Present and Future.

 2. The Indo-European Family of Languages.

 3. Old English.

 4. Foreign Influences on Old English.

 5. The Norman Conquest and the Subjection of English, 1066-1200.

 6. The Re-Establishment of English, 1200-1500.

 7. Middle English.

 8. The Renaissance, 1500-1650.

 9. The Appeal to Authority, 1650-1800.

10. The Nineteenth Century and After.

11. The English Language in America.

Appendix A: Specimens of the Middle English Dialects.

Appendix B: English Spelling.


File : History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition Test bank , History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD History of the English Language, A, 5th Edition zip , Albert C. Baugh, (Deceased) Thomas Cable, University of Texas

File : What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation Test bank For sale

What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation

30.00$ - Pay Now

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All chapters are included in the test Bank Exam

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Digital file of What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation by Chalon E. Anderson, University of Central Oklahoma Amy T. Carrell, University of Central Oklahoma Jimmy L. Widdifield, Jr., University of Central Oklahoma ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents


The Basics: APA Rules

Why Document?



Sections of the APA Manuscript

            Title Page










            Author Notes


Miscellaneous Rules of APA Format

            Running Head and Header

            Headings for Tables

            Figures: Graphs & Tables

Abbreviations for APA Format

            Figures and Tables

            Forming the Plural

            Useful Latin Abbreviations


Referencing in APA Format


                        Entire/Special Sections of a Journal


                        Monograms with issue numbers and serial (or whole) number

                        Monograms bound into a journal with continuous pagination

                        Newsletter article

                        Daily/weekly newspaper article

                        Abstract from a secondary source (print periodical)


                        Article or chapter in an edited book

                        Encyclopedia or dictionary


            Technical and research reports

            Report as an article or chapter in an edited edition

            Proceedings published regularly

            Unpublished contribution to a symposium

            Dissertations & Theses Abstracts

                        Published Doctoral or Masters Dissertation

                        Unpublished Doctoral or Masters Dissertation

            Reviews of Books/Films/Videos

            Unpublished Paper Presented at a Meeting

            Poster Session

            Unpublished Manuscript Not Submitted for Publication

            Electronic Media

                        On-line Journal

                        On-line Newsletter

                        Newsgroups, online forums and discussion groups, and electronic mailing lists

                        Message posted to an electronic mailing list

                        Abstract on CD-ROM

                        Television Broadcast

                        Television Series

                        Single episode from a television series

                        Music Recording

                        Audio recording

Example APA Manuscript






                        Items in a List

                        Coordinate Adjectives

                        Independent Clauses

                        Introductory words, phrases, and clauses

            Semicolons and colons

                        Joining independent clauses

                        Separating items in a list



                        Helping Verbs

                        Irregular Verbs

                        Agreement Extras


File : What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation Test bank For sale ,Buy What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation Test bank , What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation pdf online ,DOWNLOAD What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with APA Documentation zip , Chalon E. Anderson, University of Central Oklahoma Amy T. Carrell, University of Central Oklahoma Jimmy L. Widdifield, Jr., University of Central Oklahoma

File : Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition Test bank For sale

Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

Digital File Direct & Fast Download ( Bank Exam ZIP & PDF) only for 30.00$

All chapters are included in the test Bank Exam

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Dedicated support / instant chat – Email - Whatsapp

Digital file of Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition by . . Consortium for Foundation Mathematics ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Whole Numbers

Activity 1.1 Education Pays


            1. Read and write whole numbers.

            2. Compare whole numbers using inequality symbols.

            3. Round whole numbers to specified place values.

            4. Use rounding for estimation.

            5. Classify whole numbers as even or odd, prime, or composite.

            6. Solve problems involving whole numbers.

Activity 1.2 Bald Eagle Population Increasing Again


            1. Read tables.

            2. Read bar graphs.

            3. Interpret bar graphs.

            4. Construct graphs.

Activity 1.3 Bald Eagles Revisited


            1. Add whole numbers by hand and mentally.

            2. Subtract whole numbers by hand and mentally.

            3. Estimate sums and differences using rounding.

            4. Recognize the associative property and the commutative property for addition.

            5. Translate a written statement into an arithmetic expression.

Activity 1.4 Summer Camp


            1. Multiply whole numbers and check calculations using a calculator.

            2. Multiply whole numbers using the distributive property.

            3. Estimate the product of whole numbers by rounding.

            4. Recognize the associative and commutative properties for multiplication.

Activity 1.5 College Supplies


            1. Divide whole numbers by grouping.

            2. Divide whole numbers by hand and by calculator.

            3. Estimate the quotient of whole numbers by rounding.

            4. Recognize that division is not commutative.

Activity 1.6 Reach for the Stars


            1. Use exponential notation.

            2. Factor whole numbers.

            3. Determine the prime factorization of a whole number.

            4. Recognize square numbers and roots of square numbers.

            5. Recognize cubed numbers.

            6. Apply the multiplication rule for numbers in exponential form with the same base.

Activity 1.7 You and Your Calculator


            1. Use order of operations to evaluate arithmetic expressions.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 1 Summary

Chapter 1 Gateway Review


Chapter 2. Variables and Problem Solving

Activity 2.1 How Much Do I Need to Buy?


            1. Recognize and understand the concept of a variable in context and symbolically.

            2. Translate a written statement (verbal rule) into a statement involving variables (symbolic rule).

            3. Evaluate variable expressions.

            4. Apply formulas (area, perimeter, and others) to solve contextual problems.

Activity 2.2 How High Will It Go?


            1. Recognize input/output relationship between variables in a formula or equation (two variables only).

            2. Evaluate variable expressions in formulas and equations.

            3. Generate a table of input and corresponding output values from a given equation, formula, or situation.

            4. Read, interpret, and plot points in rectangular coordinates that are obtained from evaluating a formula or equation.

Activity 2.3 Are You Balanced?


            1. Translate contextual situations and verbal statements into equations.

            2. Apply the fundamental principle of equality to solve equations of the forms x + a = b, a + x = b and x - a = b.

Activity 2.4 How Far Will You Go? How Long Will It Take?


            1. Apply the fundamental principle of equality to solve equations of the form ax = b, a ≠ 0.

            2. Translate contextual situations and verbal statements into equations.

            3. Use the relationship rate · time = amount in various contexts.

Activity 2.5 Web Devices for Sale


            1. Identify like terms.

            2. Combine like terms using the distributive property.

            3. Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c.

Activity 2.6 Make Me an Offer


            1. Use the basic steps for problem solving.

            2. Translate verbal statements into algebraic equations.

            3. Use the basic principles of algebra to solve real-world problems.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter 2 Gateway Review


Chapter 3. Problem Solving with Integers

Activity 3.1 On the Negative Side


            1. Recognize integers.

            2. Represent quantities in real-world situations using integers.

            3. Represent integers on the number line.

            4. Compare integers.

            5. Calculate absolute values of integers.

Activity 3.2 Maintaining Your Balance


            1. Add and subtract integers.

            2. Identify properties of addition and subtraction of integers.

Activity 3.3 Whats the Bottom Line?


            1. Write formulas from verbal statements.

            2. Evaluate expressions in formulas.

            3. Solve equations of the form x + b = c and b - x = c.

            4. Solve formulas for a given variable.

Activity 3.4 Riding in the Wind


            1. Translate verbal rules into equations.

            2. Determine an equation from a table of values.

            3. Use a rectangular coordinate system to represent an equation graphically.

Activity 3.5 Are You Physically Fit?


            1. Multiply and divide integers.

            2. Perform calculations involving a sequence of operations.

            3. Apply exponents to integers.

            4. Identify properties of calculations that involve multiplication and division with zero.

Activity 3.6 Integers and Tiger Woods


            1. Use order of operations with expressions that involve integers.

            2. Apply the distributive property.

            3. Evaluate algebraic expressions and formulas using integers.

            4. Combine like terms.

            5. Solve equations of the form ax = b, where a ≠ 0, that involve integers.

            6. Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c, where a + b ≠ 0, that involve integers.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 3 Summary

Chapter 3 Gateway Review


Chapter 4. Problem Solving with Fractions

Activity 4.1 Are You Hungry?


            1. Identify the numerator and the denominator of a fraction.

            2. Determine the greatest common factor (GCF).

            3. Determine equivalent fractions.

            4. Reduce fractions to equivalent fractions in lowest terms.

            5. Determine the least common denominator (LCD) of two or more fractions.

            6. Compare fractions.

Activity 4.2 Get Your Homestead Land


            1. Multiply and divide fractions.

            2. Recognize the sign of a fraction.

            3. Determine the reciprocal of a fraction.

            4. Solve equations of the form ax = b, a ≠ 0, that involve fractions.

Activity 4.3 On the Road with Fractions


            1. Add and subtract fractions and with the same denominators.

            2. Add and subtract fractions and with different denominators.

            3. Solve equations in the form x + b = c, and x - b = c that involve fractions.

Activity 4.4 Hanging With Fractions


            1. Calculate powers and square roots of fractions.

            2. Evaluate equations that involve powers.

            3. Evaluate equations that involve square roots.

            4. Use order of operations to calculate numerical expressions that involve fractions.

            5. Evaluate algebraic expressions that involve fractions.

            6. Use the distributive property with fractions.

            7. Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c with fraction coefficients.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 4 Summary

Chapter 4 Gateway Review


Chapter 5. Problem Solving with Mixed Numbers and Decimals

Cluster 1 Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

Activity 5.1 Food for Thought


            1. Determine equivalent fractions.

            2. Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with the same denominators.

            3. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Activity 5.2 Mixing with Denominators


            1. Determine the least common denominator (LCD) for two or more mixed numbers.

            2. Add and subtract mixed numbers with different denominators.

            3. Solve equations in the form x + b = c and x - b = c that involve mixed numbers.

Activity 5.3 Tiling the Bathroom


            1. Multiply and divide mixed numbers.

            2. Evaluate expressions with mixed numbers.

            3. Calculate the square root of a mixed number.

            4. Solve equations of the form ax + b = 0, a ≠ 0, that involve mixed numbers.

Cluster 1 What Have I Learned?

Cluster 1 How Can I Practice?

Cluster 2 Decimals

Activity 5.4 What Are You Made Of?


            1. Identify place values of numbers written in decimal form.

            2. Convert a decimal to a fraction or a mixed number and vice versa.

            3. Classify decimals.

            4. Compare decimals.

            5. Read and write decimals.

            6. Round decimals.

Activity 5.5 Dive into Decimals


            1. Add and subtract decimals.

            2. Compare and interpret decimal numbers.

            3. Solve equations of the type x + b = c and x - b = c that involve decimals.

Activity 5.6 Quality Points and GPA: Tracking Academic Standing


            1. Multiply and divide decimals.

            2. Estimate products and quotients involving decimals.

Activity 5.7 Tracking Temperature


            1. Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions that include decimals.

            2. Use the distributive property in calculations that involve decimals.

            3. Evaluate formulas that include decimals.

            4. Solve equations of the form ax = c and ax + bx = c that involve decimals.

Activity 5.8 Think Metric


            1. Know the metric prefixes and their decimal values.

            2. Convert measurements between metric quantities.

Cluster 2 What Have I Learned?

Cluster 2 How Can I Practice?

Chapter 5 Summary

Chapter 5 Gateway Review


Chapter 6. Problem Solving with Ratios, Proportions, and Percents

Activity 6.1 Everything is Relative


            1. Understand the distinction between absolute and relative measure.

            2. Write a ratio in its verbal, fraction, decimal, and percent formats.

Activity 6.2 Four out of Five Dentists Prefer the Brooklyn Dodgers?


            1. Recognize that equivalent fractions lead to a proportion.

            2. Use a proportion to solve a problem that involves ratios.

Activity 6.3 The Devastation of AIDS in Africa


            1. Use proportional reasoning to apply a known ratio to a given piece of information.

            2. Write an equation using the relationship ratio · total = part and then solve the resulting equation.

Activity 6.4 Who Really Did Better?


            1. Define actual and relative change.

            2. Distinguish between actual and relative change.

Activity 6.5 Dont Forget the Sales Tax


            1. Define and determine growth factors.

            2. Use growth factors in problems that involve percent increases.

Activity 6.6 Its All on Sale!


            1. Define and determine decay factors.

            2. Use decay factors in problems that involve percent decreases.

Activity 6.7 Take an Additional 20% Off


            1. Apply consecutive growth and/or decay factors to problems that involve two or more percent changes.

Activity 6.8 Fuel Economy


            1. Apply rates directly to solve problems.

            2. Use proportions to solve problems involving rates.

            3. Use unit analysis or dimensional analysis to solve problems that involve consecutive rates.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 6 Summary

Chapter 6 Gateway Review


Chapter 7. Problem Solving with Geometry

Activity 7.1 Walking around Bases, Gardens, and Other Figures


            1. Recognize perimeter as a geometric property of plane figures.

            2. Write formulas for, and calculate perimeters of, squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and


            3. Use unit analysis to solve problems that involve perimeter.

Activity 7.2 Circles Are Everywhere


            1. Measure the lengths of the diameter and circumference of circles.

            2. Develop and use formulas for calculating circumferences of circles.

Activity 7.3 Lance Armstrong and You


            1. Calculate perimeters of many-sided plane figures using formulas and combinations of formulas.

            2. Use unit analysis to solve problems that involve perimeters.

Activity 7.4 Baseball Diamonds, Gardens, and Other Figures Revisited


            1. Write formulas for areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, and polygons.

            2. Calculate areas of polygons using appropriate formulas.

Activity 7.5 How Big Is That Circle?


            1. Develop formulas for the area of a circle.

            2. Use formulas to determine areas of circles.

Activity 7.6 A New Pool and Other Home Improvements


            1. Solve problems in context using geometric formulas.

            2. Distinguish between problems requiring area formulas and those that require perimeter formulas.

Laboratory Activity 7.7 How About Pythagoras?


            1. Verify and use the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles.

            2. Calculate the square root of numbers other than perfect squares.

            3. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems.

            4. Determine the distance between two points using the distance formula.

Activity 7.8 Painting Your Way through Summer


            1. Recognize geometric properties of three-dimensional figures.

            2. Write formulas for and calculate surface areas of boxes (rectangular prisms), cans (right circular cylinders).

Activity 7.9 Truth in Labeling


            1. Write formulas for and calculate volumes of rectangular prisms (boxes) and right circular cylinders (cans).

            2. Recognize geometric properties of three-dimensional figures.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 7 Summary

Chapter 7 Gateway Review


Chapter 8. Problem Solving with Mathematical Models

Activity 8.1 A Model of Fitness


            1. Describe a mathematical model as a set of verbal statements.

            2. Translate verbal rules into symbolic equations.

            3. Solve problems that involve equations of the form y = ax + b.

            4. Solve equations of the form y = ax + b for the input x.

            5. Evaluate the expression ax + b in the equations of the form y = ax + b to obtain an output y.

Activity 8.2 Comparing Energy Costs


            1. Write symbolic equations from information organized in a table.

            2. Produce tables and graphs to compare outputs from two different mathematical models.

            3. Solve equations of the form ax + b = cx + d.

Activity 8.3 Mathematical Modeling


            1. Develop an equation to model and solve a problem.

            2. Solve problems using formulas as models.

            3. Recognize patterns and trends between two variables using a table as a model.

            4. Recognize patterns and trends between two variables using a graph as a model.

What Have I Learned?

How Can I Practice?

Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter 8 Gateway Review

Appendix Learning Math Opens Doors: Twelve Keys to Success

File : Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition Test bank , Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Mathematics in Action: Prealgebra Problem Solving (Subscription), 3rd Edition zip , . . Consortium for Foundation Mathematics

File : Dreams and Inward Journeys, 6th Edition Test bank For sale

Dreams and Inward Journeys, 6th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

Digital File Direct & Fast Download ( Bank Exam ZIP & PDF) only for 30.00$

All chapters are included in the test Bank Exam

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Dedicated support / instant chat – Email - Whatsapp

Digital file of Dreams and Inward Journeys, 6th Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Dreams and Inward Journeys, 6th Edition by Marjorie Ford, Stanford University Jon Ford, De Anza College ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

1. Discovering Ourselves in Writing and Reading

A Process View of Writing and Reading

            The Writing Process and Self-Discovery

            Stages of the Writing Process

            Strategies for Prewriting

            Your Computer: Developing an Important Writing Partnership

            The Reading Process

            Personal and Interpretive Response

            Critical and Evaluative Response

            “Reading” Electronic Media

Thematic Introduction


            Denise Levertov, “The Secret” (poem)      

            Stephen King, “The Symbolic Language of Dreams” (essay)         

            Ursula K. Le Guin, “A Matter of Trust” (essay)     

            Virginia Woolf, “Professions for Women” (essay)  

            Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue” (essay)         

            Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write” (essay)

            Steven Holtzman, “Don’t Look Back” (essay)       

            John G. Ramsay, “Hell’s Bibliophiles: The Fifth Way of Looking at an Aliterate” (essay)      

Student Writing:

            Joyce Chang, “Drive Becarefully”

            Molly Thomas, “Response to ‘Don’t Look Back’”

Topics for Research and Writing

2. Places in Nature

Observing Nature and Writing Descriptions


            Words and Images

            Revising Initial Descriptions

            Establishing Vantage Point and Tone

            Thinking About Your Purpose and Audience

Thematic Introduction


            Naomi S. Nye, “Fireflies” (poem) 

            Diane Ackerman, “Deep Play” (essay)    

            Mary Mackey, “The Distant Cataract About Which We Do Not Speak” (essay)       

            Donovan Webster, “Inside the Volcano” (essay)   

            Jon Krakauer, “The Khumbu Icefall” (essay)         

            Terry Tempest Williams, “Ground Truthing” (essay)          

            Theodore Roszak, “The Nature of Sanity: Mental Health and the Outdoors” (essay) 

Student Writing:

            David Kerr, “Strawberry Creek: A Search for Origins”        

            Sheila Walsh, “Visualizing Our Environment: Communication of Environmental Issues Through Visual Arts”  

Topics for Research and Writing

3. Journeys in Memory

Narration, Memory, and Self-Awareness

            Making Associations

            Focusing and Concentration: The Inner Screen

            Dialogue and Characters

            Main Idea or Dominant Impression

            Drafting and Shaping the Narrative

            Revising the Narrative: Point of View and Style

Thematic Introduction


            Mark Strand, “Where Are the Waters of Childhood?” (poem)         

            Patricia Hampl, “Memory and Imagination” (essay)           

            Saira Shah, “The Storyteller’s Daughter” (essay)  

            Maya Angelou, “The Angel of the Candy Counter” (essay) 

            Judith Ortiz Cofer, “Silent Dancing” (essay)         

            Rachel Naomi Remen, “Remembering” (essay)    

            Stephen Jay Gould, “Muller Bros. Moving & Storage” (essay)        

            Susan L. Engel, “The Past: Audiences and Perspectives” (essay) 

Student Writing:

            Melissa Burns, “The Best Seat in the House” (essay)       

Topics for Research and Writing

4. Dreams, Myths, and Fairy Tales

Comparing and Contrasting: Strategies for Thinking and Writing

            Prewriting for Comparison

            Outlining and Transition


            Logical Fallacies of Comparison and Contrast

Thematic Introduction


            Nikki Giovanni, “ego-tripping (there may be a reason why)” (poem) 

            Linda Seger, “Universal Stories”(essay)

            Gabriel García Márquez, “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World: A Tale for Children” (fiction) 

            Marcelo Gleiser, “The Myths of Science–Creation” (essay)          

            Portfolio of Creation Myths:        

                        Genesis 2:4—23 (Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible)       

                         “How the Sun Was Made: Dawn, Noontide and Night” (Australian Aboriginal)

                        “The Pelasgian Creation Myth” (Ancient Greek)    

                        “The Chameleon Finds” (Yao-Bantu, African)       

                        “Spider Woman Creates the Humans” (Hopi, Native American)      

                        “The Beginning of the World” (Japanese)

Bruno Bettelheim, “Fairy Tales and the Existential Predicament” (essay)   

Jane Yolen, “American Cinderella” (essay)          

Four Versions of Cinderella:

            The Brothers Grimm, “Aschenputtel”

            Charles Perrault, “Cendrillon” (adapted by Andrew Lang)   

            “The Algonquin Cinderella”

            “Tam and Cam” (Vietnam)

Student Writing:

            Joshua Groban, “Two Myths” (essay)

Topics for Research and Writing

5. Obsessions and Transformation

Definition: Word Boundaries of the Self

            Public Meanings and Formal Definition

            Stipulative and Personal Definitions


Thematic Introduction


            W. S. Merwin, “Fog-Horn” (poem)

            Maressa Hecht Orzack, “Computer Addiction: What Is It?” (essay)

            Andrew Solomon, “Depression” (essay)   

            Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” (fiction)

            Diane Ackerman, “A Slender Thread” (essay)      

            Anne Lamott, “Hunger” (essay)   

            Carrie Demers, “Chaos or Calm: Rewiring the Stress Response” (essay)

            Marc Ian Barasch, “What Is a Healing Dream?” (essay)

Student Writing:

            Sharon Slayton, “The Good Girl” (essay) 

Topics for Research and Writing

6. Journeys in Sexuality and Gender

Causality and the Inward Journey

            Observing and Collecting Information

            Causal Logical Fallacies

Thematic Introduction


            Pablo Neruda, “The Dream” (poem)

            Sigmund Freud, “Erotic Wishes and Dreams” (essay)      

            Maxine Hong Kingston, “No Name Woman” (essay)

            Mary Pipher, “Saplings in the Storm” (essay)       

            Tajamika Paxton, “Loving a One-armed Man” (essay)       

            Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, “Multi-Tasking Man” (essay)       

            Kevin Canty, “The Dog in Me” (essay)     

            David Sedaris, “I Like Guys” (essay)       

Student Writing:

            Rosa Contreras, “On Not Being a Girl” (essay)     

            Julie Bordner Apodaca, “Gay Marriage: Why the Resistance?” (essay)      

Topics for Research and Writing

7. The Double/The Other

Argument and Dialogue

            Traditional Argument

            Dialogic Argument

            Dialogue and Prewriting

            Prewriting and the Audience

            Defining Key Terms

            Evaluating Facts

            Feelings in Argument

Thematic Introduction


            Judith Ortiz Cofer, “The Other” (poem)     

            Danny Fingeroth, “The Dual Identity: Of Pimpernels and Immigrants from the Stars” (essay)

            Robert Johnson, “Owning Your Own Shadow”

            Robert Louis Stevenson, “Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case” from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (fiction) 

            Kate Sullivan, “J. Lo vs. K. Sul” (essay)   

            Fran Peavey (with Myrna Levy and Charles Varon), “Us and Them” (essay)

            Desmond Mpilo Tutu, “No Future Without Forgiveness” (essay)     

Student Writing:

            Susan Voyticky, “Mixed-Up” (essay)

            Jill Ho, “Affirmative Action: Perspectives from a Model Minority” (essay)

Topics for Research and Writing

8. Pop Dreams

Research Writing

            Finding a Topic

            Timetable and Process

            Your Voice and the Voices of Your Sources

            Purpose and Structure

            Language and Style

            The Computer as a Research Partner

Thematic Introduction


            Louise Erdrich, “Dear John Wayne” (poem)          

            Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson, “Pictures in Our Heads” (essay)     

            Alissa Quart, “Branded” (essay) 

            Carlin Flora, “Seeing by Starlight” (essay)           

            Sissela Bok, “Aggression: The Impact of Media Violence” (essay) 

            Jonathan L. Freedman, “Evaluating the Research on Violent Video Games” (essay)

            Mark Cochrane, “Moral Abdication?” (essay)       

Student Writing:

            Anne Ritchie, “Creativity, Drugs, and Rock ’n’ Roll”          

Topics for Research and Writing

9. Voyages in Spirituality

Creativity, Problem Solving, and Synthesis

            Habit Versus Risk

            Reason Versus Intuition

            Developing Self-Confidence: Learning to Trust Your Own Processes

            Evaluation and Application


Thematic Introduction


            Emily Dickinson, “#501, This World Is Not Conclusion” (poem)

            Annie Dillard, “A Field of Silence” (essay)

            Jane Goodall, “In the Forests of Gombe” (essay)  

            Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream” (essay)  

            Jim Wallis, “Taking Back the Faith” (essay)         

            Noah Levine, “Death Is Not the End My Friend” (essay)    

            Linda Hogan, “The Voyagers” (essay)     

Student Writing:

            Norman Yeung Bik Chung, “A Faithful Taoist”      

            Karen Methot-Chun, “Living Spirituality”   

Topics for Research and Writing

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