dimanche 30 juin 2019

File : GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) Test bank For sale

GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription)

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Digital file of GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) by Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Robert Ferrett, Eastern Michigan University AUthor Supplements Author ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

GO! with Windows 8 Getting Started

Chapter 1 Getting Started with Windows 8


Project 1A Get to Know Windows 8

Objective 1 Use the Start Screen and Windows 8 Apps

Activity 1.01    Turning On Your Computer, Signing In to a Windows 8 User Account, and Exploring the Windows 8 Environment

Activity 1.02    Using the Start Screen

Activity 1.03    Using Windows 8 Apps

Activity 1.04    Moving Between the Start Screen and the Desktop

Objective 2 Use File Explorer and Desktop Apps to Create a New Folder and Save a File on a Removable Storage Device

Activity 1.05    Pinning a Program to the Taskbar

Activity 1.06    Use File Explorer to Create a New Folder on a Removable Storage Device

Objective 3 Manage Desktop Windows

Activity 1.07    Minimizing, Maximizing, and Restoring a Window

Activity 1.08    Hiding and Displaying Windows

Activity 1.09    Using Snap to Display Two Windows Side by Side

Objective 4 Resize, Move, and Scroll Windows

Activity 1.10    Resizing, Moving, Scrolling, and Closing Windows


Project 1B Manage Folders and Files

Objective 5 Start Programs and Open Data Files

Activity 1.11    Starting Programs and Opening Data Files

Objective 6 Use File Explorer to Manage Folders and Files

Activity 1.12    Using File Explorer to Display Libraries, Folders, and Files

Activity 1.13    Moving and Renaming Folders

Activity 1.14    Copying Files

Activity 1.15    Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files

Activity 1.16    Compressing Files

Activity 1.17    Using the Address Bar to Navigate Drives and Folders

Objective 7 Find Folders and Files

Activity 1.18    Adding Descriptions and Tags to Files

Activity 1.19    Finding Files and Folders and Creating a Search Folder

File : GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) Test bank For sale ,Buy GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) Test bank , GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) pdf online ,DOWNLOAD GO! Windows 8 Getting Started (Subscription) zip , Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Robert Ferrett, Eastern Michigan University AUthor Supplements Author

File : Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition Test bank For sale

Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

Digital File Direct & Fast Download ( Bank Exam ZIP & PDF) only for 30.00$

All chapters are included in the test Bank Exam

Free samples included once needed (ZIP & PDF)

Multiple payment options (Paypal , Credit Card)  - NO account Required

Dedicated support / instant chat – Email - Whatsapp

Digital file of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition by James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1  The Sociological Perspective

The Sociological Perspective

Seeing the Broader Social Context

The Growing Global Context

Sociology and the Other Sciences

The Natural Sciences

The Social Sciences

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: An Updated Version of the Old Elephant Story

The Goals of Science

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Enjoying A Sociology Quiz——Sociological Findings Versus Common Sense

Origins of Sociology

Tradition Versus Science

Auguste Comte and Positivism

Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism

Karl Marx and Class Conflict

Emile Durkheim and Social Integration

Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic

Values in Sociological Research

Verstehen and Social Facts

Weber and Verstehen

Durkheim and Social Facts

How Social Facts and Verstehen Fit Together

Sexism in Early Sociology

Attitudes of the Time

Harriet Martineau and Early Social Research

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Listening to an Early Feminist

Sociology in North America

Early History: The Tension Between Social Reform and Sociological Analysis

Jane Addams and Social Reform

W.E.B. Du Bois and Race Relations

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Early Sociology in North America: Du Bois and Race Relations

Talcott Parsons and C. Wright Mills: Theory Versus Reform

The Continuing Tension and the Rise of Applied Sociology

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Careers in Sociology: What Applied Sociologists Do

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Capturing Saddam Hussein: A Surprising Example of Applied Sociology


Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Symbolic Interactionism

Functional Analysis

Conflict Theory

Levels of Analysis: Macro and Micro

Putting the Theoretical Perspectives Together

Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology

Sociology Full Circle: Reform Versus Research

*Cultural Diversity in the United States:Studying Job Discrimination: Another Surprising Example of Applied Sociology


Summary and Review


Chapter 2  Culture

What Is Culture?

Culture and Taken-for-Granted Orientations to Life

Practicing Cultural Relativism

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: You Are What You Eat?: An Exploration in Cultural Relativity

Components of Symbolic Culture



*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Emoticons: “Written Gestures” for Expressing Yourself Online

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Miami–Language in a Changing City

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Race and Language: Searching for Self-Labels

Values, Norms, and Sanctions

Folkways and Mores

Many Cultural Worlds



Values in U.S. Society

An Overview of U.S. Values

*Down-to-Earth Sociology:Why Do Native Americans Like Westerns?

Value Clusters

Value Contradictions and Social Change

Emerging Values

Culture Wars: When Values Clash

Values as Blinders

“Ideal” Versus “Real” Culture

Cultural Universals

Technology in the Global Village

The New Technology

Cultural Lag and Cultural Change

Technology and Cultural Leveling

Summary and Review



Chapter 3  Socialization

What Is Human Nature?

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Heredity or Environment? The Case of Oskar and Jack, Identical Twins

Feral Children

Isolated Children

Institutionalized Children

Deprived Animals

Socialization into the Self and Mind

Cooley and the Looking-Glass Self

Mead and Role Taking

Piaget and the Development of Reasoning

Global Aspects of the Self and Reasoning

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Do You See What I See?: Eastern and Western Ways of Perceiving and Thinking


Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions

Freud and the Development of Personality

Kohlberg, Gilligan, and the Development of Morality

Socialization into Emotions

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Signs of the Times: Are We Becoming Ik?

Society Within Us: The Self and Emotions as Social Control

Socialization into Gender

Gender Messages in the Family

Gender Messages from Peers

Gender Messages in the Mass Media

*Mass Media in Social Life: From Xena, Warrior Princess, to Lara Croft, Tomb Raider:
Changing Images of Women in the Mass Media


Agents of Socialization

The Family

The Neighborhood


Day Care

The School

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Caught Between Two Worlds

Peer Groups

Sports and Competitive Success

The Workplace


Total Institutions

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Boot Camp as a Total Institution

Socialization Through the Life Course



Young Adulthood

The Middle Years

The Older Years

The Sociological Significance of the Life Course

Are We Prisoners of Socialization?

Summary and Review



Chapter 4  Social Structure and Social Interaction

Levels of Sociological Analysis

Macrosociology and Microsociology

The Macrosociological Perspective: Social Structure

The Sociological Significance of Social Structure

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: College Football as Social Structure


Social Class

Social Status



Social Institutions

The Sociological Significance of Social Institutions

An Example: The Mass Media as an Emerging Social Institution

Comparing Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives

Changes in Social Structure

What Holds Society Together?

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: The Amish: Gemeinschaft Community
in a Gesellschaft Society


The Microsociological Perspective: Social Interaction in Everyday Life

Symbolic Interaction

*Down-to-Earth Sociology:Beauty May Be Only Skin Deep, But Its Effects Go On Forever: Stereotypes in Everyday Life

*Mass Media in Social Life: You Can’t Be Thin Enough: Body Images and the Mass Media

Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

Ethnomethodology: Uncovering Background Assumptions

The Social Construction of Reality

The Need for Both Macrosociology and Microsociology

Summary and Review


Chapter 5   How Sociologists Do Research

What Is a Valid Sociological Topic?

Common Sense and the Need for Sociological Research

A Research Model

1. Selecting a Topic

2. Defining the Problem

3. Reviewing the Literature

4. Formulating a Hypothesis

5. Choosing a Research Method

6. Collecting the Data

7. Analyzing the Results

8. Sharing the Results

Research Methods


*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Loading the Dice: How Not to Do Research

Participant Observation (Fieldwork)

Secondary Analysis



*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Hawthorne Experiments

Unobtrusive Measures

Deciding Which Method to Use

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Applied Sociology: Marketing Research as a Blend of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods


Gender in Sociological Research

Ethics in Sociological Research

Protecting the Subjects: The Brajuha Research

Misleading the Subjects: The Humphreys Research

How Research and Theory Work Together

The Real World: When the Ideal Meets the Real

Summary and Review


Chapter 6  Societies to Social Networks

Societies and Their Transformation

Hunting and Gathering Societies

Pastoral and Horticultural Societies

Agricultural Societies

Industrial Societies

Postindustrial (Information) Societies

Bioeconomic Societies: Is a New Type of Society Emerging?

*Sociology and the New Technology:“So, You Want to Be Yourself?”
Cloning in the Coming Bioeconomy


Groups Within Society

Primary Groups

Secondary Groups

In-Groups and Out-Groups

Reference Groups

Social Networks

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Facebooking: The Lazy (But Efficient) Way to Meet Friends

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: How Our Own Social Networks
Perpetuate Social Inequality

A New Group: Electronic Communities

Group Dynamics

Effects of Group Size on Stability and Intimacy

Effects of Group Size on Attitudes and Behavior


The Power of Peer Pressure:
The Asch Experiment

The Power of Authority:
The Milgram Experiment

Global Consequences of Group Dynamics: Groupthink

Summary and Review


Chapter 7   Bureaucracy and Formal Organizations

The Rationalization of Society

Why Did Society Change?

Marx: Capitalism Broke Tradition

Weber: Religion Broke Tradition

Formal Organizations and Bureaucracy

Formal Organizations

The Characteristics of Bureaucracies

“Ideal” Versus “Real” Bureaucracy

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The McDonaldization of Society

Dysfunctions of Bureaucracies

Goal Displacement and the Perpetuation of Bureaucracies

The Sociological Significance of Bureaucracies

Voluntary Associations

Functions of Voluntary Associations

Shared Interests

The Problem of Oligarchy

Working for the Corporation

Stereotypes and the “Hidden” Corporate Culture

Humanizing the Corporate Culture

Attempts to Humanize the Work Setting

The Conflict Perspective

Technology and the Control of Workers

*Sociology and the New Technology: Cyberloafers and Cybersleuths: Surfing at Work

U.S. and Japanese Corporations

How the Corporations Differ

The Myth Versus Reality

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Japanese and U.S. Corporations in an Age of Greed


Summary and Review


Chapter 8  Deviance and Social Control

What Is Deviance?

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Human Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective

How Norms Make Social Life Possible


Shaming and Degradation Ceremonies

Competing Explanations of Deviance: Sociology, Sociobiology, and Psychology

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

Differential Association Theory

Control Theory

Labeling Theory

*Mass Media in Social Life: Pornography on the Internet: Freedom Versus Censorship

The Functionalist Perspective

Can Deviance Really Be Functional for Society?

Strain Theory: How Social Values Produce Deviance

Illegitimate Opportunity Structures: Social Class and Crime

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Islands in the Street: Urban Gangs in the United States

The Conflict Perspective

Class, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System

Power and Inequality

The Law as an Instrument of Oppression

Reactions to Deviance

Street Crime and Prisons

The Decline in Crime


The Death Penalty and Bias

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Killer Next Door: Serial Murderers in Our Midst

Legal Change

The Trouble with Official Statistics

The Medicalization of Deviance: Mental Illness

The Need for a More Humane Approach

Summary and Review


Chapter 9   Global Stratification

Systems of Social Stratification


*Mass Media in Social Life: What Price Freedom? Slavery Today




Global Stratification and the Status of Females

What Determines Social Class?

Karl Marx: The Means of Production

Max Weber: Property, Prestige, and Power

Why Is Social Stratification Universal?

The Functionalist View: Motivating Qualified People

The Conflict Perspective: Class Conflict and Scarce Resources

Lenski’s Synthesis

How Do Elites Maintain Stratification?

Ideology Versus Force

Comparative Social Stratification

Social Stratification in Great Britain

Social Stratification in the Former Soviet Union

Global Stratification: Three Worlds

The Most Industrialized Nations

The Industrializing Nations

The Least Industrialized Nations

Modifying the Model

How Did the World’s Nations Become Stratified?


World System Theory

Culture of Poverty

Evaluating the Theories

Maintaining Global Stratification


Multinational Corporations

Technology and Global Domination

A Concluding Note

Summary and Review


Chapter 10  Social Class in the United States

What Is Social Class?


*Down-to-Earth Sociology: How the Super-Rich Live




Status Inconsistency

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Big Win: Life After the Lottery

Sociological Models of Social Class

Updating Marx

Updating Weber

Social Class in the Automobile Industry

Consequences of Social Class

Physical Health

Mental Health

Family Life




Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Social Class and the Changing Economy

Social Mobility

Three Types of Social Mobility

Women in Studies of Social Mobility

Interpreting Statistics
on Social Mobility

The Pain of Social Mobility

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Social Class and the Upward Social Mobility of African Americans


Drawing the Poverty Line

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Exploring Myths About the Poor

Who Are the Poor?

Children of Poverty

The Dynamics of Poverty

Why Are People Poor?

Welfare Reform

Deferred Gratification

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Poverty: A Personal Journey

Where Is Horatio Alger? The Social Functions of a Myth

Summary and Review


Chapter 11  Sex and Gender

Issues of Sex and Gender

Gender Differences in Behavior: Biology or Culture?

The Dominant Position in Sociology

Opening the Door to Biology

* Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Gender Gap in Math and Science: A National Debate


Gender Inequality in Global Perspective

How Females Became a Minority Group

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: “Pssst. You Wanna Buy a Bride?”
China in Transition

The Origins of Patriarchy

Sex Typing of Work

Gender and the Prestige of Work

Other Areas of Global Discrimination

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Female Circumcision


Gender Inequality in the United States

Fighting Back: The Rise of Feminism

Gender Inequality in Health Care

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Cold-Hearted Surgeons and Their Women Victims

Gender Inequality in Education

Gender Inequality in Everyday Life

Gender Inequality in the Workplace

The Pay Gap

The Cracking Glass Ceiling

Gender and the Control of Workers

Sexual Harassment——and Worse

Gender and Violence

Violence Against Women

Feminism and Gendered Violence


The Changing Face of Politics

Glimpsing the Future–With Hope

Summary and Review


Chapter 12  Race and Ethnicity

Laying the Sociological Foundation

Race: Myth and Reality

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Tiger Woods and the Emerging Multiracial Identity: Mapping New Ethnic Terrain

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Can a Plane Ride Change Your Race?

Ethnic Groups

Minority Groups and Dominant Groups

How People Construct Their Racial-Ethnic Identity


Learning Prejudice

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Racist Mind

Individual and Institutional Discrimination

Theories of Prejudice

Psychological Perspectives

Sociological Perspectives

Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations


Population Transfer

Internal Colonialism


*Cultural Diversity in the United States and Around the World: “You Can Work for Us, But You Can’t Live Near Us”



Multiculturalism (Pluralism)

Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States

European Americans

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack:
Exploring Cultural Privilege

Latinos (Hispanics)

African Americans

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Stealth Racism in the Rental Market:
What You Reveal by Your Voice

Asian Americans

Native Americans

Looking Toward the Future

The Immigration Debate

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: Glimpsing the Future: The Shifting
U.S. Racial-Ethnic Mix

Affirmative Action

Toward a True Multicultural Society

Summary and Review


Chapter 13  The Elderly

Aging in Global Perspective

The Social Construction of Aging

Industrialization and the Graying of the Globe

The Graying of America

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

Deciding When You Are Old

What Does Old Age Mean?

Changing Perceptions of the Elderly

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: China: Changing Sentiment About the Elderly

The Influence of the Mass Media

*Mass Media in Social Life: Shaping Our Perceptions of the Elderly

The Functionalist Perspective

Disengagement Theory

Activity Theory

Continuity Theory

The Conflict Perspective

Social Security Legislation

Intergenerational Conflict

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Changing Sentiment About the U.S. Elderly

Fighting Back

Problems of Dependency

Gender and Old Age

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Feisty to the End: Gender Roles Among the Elderly

Nursing Homes

Elder Abuse

The Elderly Poor

The Sociology of Death and Dying

Industrialization and the New Technology

Death as a Process


Suicide and Age

Adjusting to Death

Looking Toward the Future

Summary and Review


Chapter 14  The Economy

The Transformation of Economic Systems

Preindustrial Societies: The Birth of Inequality

Industrial Societies: The Birth of the Machine

Postindustrial Societies: The Birth of the Information Age

*Sociology and the New Technology: “Your Name Is What? You Live Where? But You
Sound Like You’re Right Next Door.”

Biotech Societies: The Merger of Biology and Economics

Implications for Your Life

The Transformation of the Medium of Exchange

Earliest Mediums of Exchange

Medium of Exchange in Agricultural Societies

Medium of Exchange in Industrial Societies

Medium of Exchange in Postindustrial Societies

World Economic Systems



Ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism

*Mass Media in Social Life: Greed Is Good–Selling the American Dream

Criticisms of Capitalism and Socialism

The Convergence of Capitalism and Socialism

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: No Cash? No Problem! Barter
in the Former Soviet Union

The Functionalist Perspective on the Globalization of Capitalism

The New Global Division of Labor

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Doing Business in the Global Village

Ownership and Management of Corporations

Functions and Disfunctions on a Global Scale

The Conflict Perspective on the Globalization
of Capitalism

The Inner Circle of Corporate Capitalism

Interlocking Directorates

Global Investing

Work in U.S. Society

The Decline of Agriculture and the Transition to Postindustrial Society

Women and Work

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Women in Business: Maneuvering the Male Culture

The Underground Economy

Stagnant Paychecks

Patterns of Work and Leisure

Facing the Future: Implications of Global Capitalism

Global Trade: Inequalities and Conflict

New Technologies and Downsizing: Utopia or Nightmare?

Summary and Review

Chapter 15  Politics

Micropolitics and Macropolitics

Power, Authority, and Violence

Authority and Legitimate Violence

Traditional Authority

Rational-Legal Authority

Charismatic Authority

Authority as Ideal Type

The Transfer of Authority

Types of Government

Monarchies: The Rise of the State

Democracies: Citizenship as a Revolutionary Idea

*Mass Media in Social Life: Politics and Democracy in a Technological Society

Dictatorships and Oligarchies: The Seizure of Power

The U.S. Political System

Political Parties and Elections

Contrast with Democratic Systems in Europe

Voting Patterns

*Cultural Diversity in the United States: The Politics of Immigrants: Power, Ethnicity, and Social Class

Lobbyists and Special-Interest Groups

PACs in U.S. Elections

Who Rules the United States?

The Functionalist Perspective: Pluralism

The Conflict Perspective: The Power Elite, or Ruling Class

Which View Is Right?

War and Terrorism: Ways to Implement Political Objectives

Is War Universal?

How Common Is War?

Why Nations Go to War

Costs of War

Sowing the Seeds of Future Wars


*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Is Big Brother Knocking on the Door? Civil Liberties and Homeland Security

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Weapons of Mass Destruction

War and Dehumanization

* Down-to-Earth Sociology: Prisoner Abuse at Abu Ghraib: A Normal Event


A New World Order?

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: Roadblocks in the Path to the New World Order: The Globalization of Capitalism Versus the Resurgence of Nationalism

Summary and Review


Chapter 16  Marriage and Family

Marriage and Family in Global Perspective

What Is a Family?

Common Cultural Themes

* Cultural Diversity Around the World: Watching Out for Kids: Gender Equality and Family Life in Sweden

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective

The Functionalist Perspective: Functions and Dysfunctions

The Conflict Perspective: Gender and Power

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Gender and the Meanings of Marriage

The Family Life Cycle

Love and Courtship in Global Perspective

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: East Is East and West Is West: Love
and Arranged Marriage in India


Childbirth and Childrearing


Family Transitions in Later Life Diversity in U.S. Families

African American Families

Latino Families

Asian American Families

Native American Families

One-Parent Families

Families Without Children

*Sociology and the New Technology: The Brave New World of High-Tech Reproduction: Where Technology Outpaces Law and Sometimes Common Sense

Blended Families

Gay and Lesbian Families

Trends in U.S. Families

Postponing Marriage and Childbirth


*Down-to-Earth Sociology: “You Want Us to Live Together? What Do You Mean By That?”

Unmarried Mothers

Grandparents as Parents

The “Sandwich Generation” and Elder Care

Divorce and Remarriage

Problems in Measuring Divorce

*Down-to-Earth Sociology:  “What Are Your Chances of Getting Divorced?”

Children of Divorce

Grandchildren of Divorce

The Absent Father and Serial Fatherhood

The Ex-Spouses


Two Sides of Family Life

The Dark Side of Family Life: Battering, Child Abuse, Marital Rape, and Incest

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: “Why Doesn’t She Just Leave?” The Dilemma of Abused Women

The Bright Side of Family Life: Successful Marriages

The Future of Marriage and Family

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work

Summary and Review


Chapter 17  Education

The Development of Modern Education

Education in Earlier Societies

Industrialization and Universal Education

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Community Colleges: Challenges Old and New

Education in Global Perspective

Education in the Most Industrialized Nations: Japan

Education in the Industrializing Nations: Russia

Education in the Least Industrialized Nations: Egypt

The Functionalist Perspective: Providing Social Benefits

Teaching Knowledge and Skills

Cultural Transmission of Values

Social Integration


Replacing Family Functions

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Home Schooling: The Search for Quality and Values

Other Functions

The Conflict Perspective: Perpetuating  social inequality

The Hidden Curriculum

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Kindergarten as Boot Camp


Tilting the Tests: Discrimination by IQ

Stacking the Deck: Unequal Funding

The Correspondence Principle

The Bottom Line: Family Background and the Educational System

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Fulfilling Teacher Expectations

The Rist Research

The Rosenthal-Jacobson Experiment

How Do Teacher Expectations Work?

*Sociology and the New Technology: Internet University: No Walls, No Ivy, No All Night Parties

*Sociology and the New Technology: Capitalism and Distance Learning:
Selling Education in Cyberspace

Problems in U.S. Education–and Their Solutions

Problems: Mediocrity and Violence

*Mass Media in Social Life: School Shootings: Exploring a Myth

Solutions: Safety, Standards, and Other Reforms

Summary and Review


Chapter 18 Religion

What Is Religion?

The Functionalist Perspective

Functions of Religion

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Religion and Health: What We Know and Don’t Know

Functional Equivalents of Religion

Dysfunctions of Religion

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Terrorism and the Mind of God

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

Religious Symbols



Religious Experience


The Conflict Perspective

Opium of the People

A Legitimation of Social Inequalities

Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism

The World’s Major Religions




*Cultural Diversity in the United States: The New Neighbor: Islam in the United States




Types of Religious Groups





Variations in Patterns

When Religion and Culture Conflict

Religion in the United States

Characteristics of Members

Characteristics of Religious Groups

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Bikers and Bibles

Secularization of Religion and Culture

The Future of Religion

*Mass Media in Social Life: God on the Net: The Online Marketing of Religion

Summary and Review


Chapter 19 Medicine  and Health

Sociology and the Study of Medicine and Health

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

The Role of Culture in Defining Health and Illness


*Cultural Diversity in the United States: “You Don’t Know What Empacho Is?
What Kind of a Doctor Are You?”

The Components of Health

The Functionalist Perspective

The Sick Role

The Conflict Perspective

Effects of Global Stratification on Health Care

* Down-to-Earth Sociology: “Where Did You Get That New Liver?” The International Black Market in Human Body Parts

Establishing a Monopoly on U.S. Health Care

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: To Establish a Monopoly, Eliminate Your Competition:
How Physicians Defeated Midwives

Historical Patterns of Health

Physical Health

Mental Health

Issues in Health Care

Medical Care: A Right or a Commodity?

Social Inequality

Malpractice Suits and Defensive Medicine

Medical Incompetence

Depersonalization: The Medical Cash Machine

Conflict of Interest

Medical Fraud

Sexism and Racism in Medicine

The Medicalization of Society

Medically Assisted Suicide

Curbing Costs: Issues in Health Insurance


*Sociology and the New Technology: Who Should Live, and Who Should Die?
The Dilemma of Rationing Medical Care


Threats to Health


Obesity and Skinniness

Drugs: Alcohol and Nicotine

Disabling Environments

Misguided, Foolish, and Callous Experiments

The Globalization of Disease

The Search for Alternatives

Treatment or Prevention?

Alternative Medicine



* Cultural Diversity Around the World: Health Care in Sweden, Russia, and China

Summary and Review


Chapter  20  Population and Urbanization

Population in Global Perspective

A Planet with No Space for Enjoying Life?

The New Malthusians

The Anti-Malthusians

Who Is Correct?

Why Are People Starving?

Population Growth

Down-to-Earth Sociology: How the Tsunami Can Help Us to Understand Population Growth

Why the Least Industrialized Nations Have So Many Children

Implications of Different Rates of Growth

The Three Demographic Variables

Problems in Forecasting Population Growth

Cultural Diversity Around the World: Killing Little Girls: An Ancient
and Thriving Practice


The Development of Cities

The Process of Urbanization

U.S. Urban Patterns

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Reclaiming Harlem: “It Feeds My Soul”

The Rural Rebound

Models of Urban Growth

The Concentric Zone Model

The Sector Model

The Multiple-Nuclei Model

The Peripheral Model

Critique of the Models

Cultural Diversity Around the World: Why City Slums Are Better Than the Country: Urbanization in the Least Industrialized Nations


City Life

Alienation and Community

Who Lives in the City?

Urban Sentiment: Finding a Familiar World

The Norm of Noninvolvement and the Diffusion of Responsibility

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Urban  Fear and the Gated Fortress

Urban Problems and Social Policy


Disinvestment and Deindustrialization


The Potential of Urban Revitalization

Summary and Review


Chapter 21  Collective Behavior and Social Movements

Collective Behavior

Early Explanations: The Transformation of the Individual

How the Crowd Transforms the Individual

The Acting Crowd

The Contemporary View: The Rationality of the Crowd

The Minimax Strategy

Emergent Norms

Forms of Collective Behavior



*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Rumors and Riots: An Eyewitness Account to the Tulsa Riot

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Danger Lurks Everywhere: The Internet and the Uncertainty of Life

Panics and Mass Hysteria

Down-to-Earth Sociology: Mass Hysteria

Moral Panics

Fads and Fashions

Urban Legends

Social Movements

Types and Tactics of Social Movements

Types of Social Movements

Tactics of Social Movements

Propaganda and the Mass Media

Down-to-Earth Sociology: “Tricks of the Trade”–Deception and Persuasion in Propaganda

Why People Join Social Movements

Mass Society Theory

Deprivation Theory

Moral Issues and Ideological Commitment

A Special Case: The Agent Provocateur

On the Success and Failure of Social Movements

The Stages of Social Movements

The Rocky Road to Success

Summary and Review

Chapter 22  Social Change and the Environment


How Social Change Transforms Social Life

The Four Social Revolutions

From Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft

Capitalism, Modernization, and Industrialization

Social Movements

Conflict, Power, and Global Politics

Theories and Processes of Social Change

Cultural Evolution

Natural Cycles

Conflict Over Power

Ogburn’s Theory

Sociology and the  New Technology: From the Luddites to the Unabomber: Opposition to Technology

How Technology Changes Society

The Extent of the Transformation

When Old Technology Was New: The Impact of the Automobile

The Cutting Edge of Change

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: The Coming Star Wars

Cyberspace and Social Inequality

The Growth Machine Versus the Earth

Environmental Problems in the Most Industrialized Nations

*Down-to-Earth Sociology: Corporations and Big Welfare Bucks: How to Get Paid to Pollute

Environmental Problems in the Industrializing and Least Industrialized Nations

*Cultural Diversity Around the World: The Rainforests: Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge

The Environmental Movement

Environmental Sociology

Summary and Review



Suggested Readings


Name Index

Subject Index

File : Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition Test bank , Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 8th Edition zip , James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

vendredi 28 juin 2019

File : Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition Test bank For sale

Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition

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Digital file of Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition by Dennis J. Sporre, Elon University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents


 1. What Are the Arts and How Do We Respond to Them?


 2. Pictures: Painting, Printmaking, and Photography.

 3. Sculpture.


 4. Music.

 5. Theatre.

 6. Cinema.

 7. Dance.


 8. Landscape Architecture.

 9. Architecture.


10. Literature.


11. Evaluating Art.


For Further Exploration.


File : Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition Test bank , Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 7th Edition zip , Dennis J. Sporre, Elon University

mercredi 26 juin 2019

File : Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition Test bank For sale

Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

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Digital file of Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition by Barbara J. Kozier, MN, RN, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center Glenora Erb, BScN, RN, Nevada State College Kathleen Blais, RN, Ed.D, Florida International University RN, PhD, CCRN Joyce, ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Nursing.

2. Nursing Process and Critical Thinking.

3. Recording and Reporting.

4. Helping and Communicating.

5. Teaching.

6. Client Comfort and Safety.

7. Admissions.

8. Transfer, Discharge, and Postmortem Care.

9. Preventing the Transfer of Microorganisms.

10. Vital Signs.

11. Assessing Adult Health.

12. Assessing Infant and Child Health.

13. Assessing Maternal Health During the Perinatal Period.

14. Special Studies.

15. Skin Hygiene.

16. Mouth, Eye, and Ear Care.

17. Hair, Nail, and Foot Care.

18. Bed Making.

19. Body Mechanics and Moving Clients.

20. Client Positions.

21. Exercise and Ambulation.

22. Nutrition.

23. Gastric and Jejunal Feedings.

24. Fluids and Electrolytes.

25. Intravenous Therapy.

26. Central Venous Lines.

27. Fecal Elimination.

28. Urinary Elimination.

29. Ostomy Care.

30. Respiratory Assistive Devices and Postural Drainage.

31. Oral Pharyngeal and Nasal Pharyngeal Suctioning.

32. Oxygen Therapy.

33. Artificial Airways.

34. Chest Drainage.

35. Oral and Topical Medications.

36. Parenteral Medications.

37. Stress Management.

38. Pain Management.

39. Wound Care.

40. Bandages and Binders.

41. Heat and Cold Therapy.

42. Perioperative Nursing.

43. Cast Care.

44. Traction Care.

45. Therapeutic Beds.

File : Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition Test bank , Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Techniques in Clinical Nursing, 4th Edition zip , Barbara J. Kozier, MN, RN, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center Glenora Erb, BScN, RN, Nevada State College Kathleen Blais, RN, Ed.D, Florida International University RN, PhD, CCRN Joyce,

mardi 25 juin 2019

File : Becoming a Health Care Professional Test bank For sale

Becoming a Health Care Professional

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Digital file of Becoming a Health Care Professional for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Becoming a Health Care Professional by Sherry Makely Shirley A. Badasch, Chapman Communications Doreen S. Chesebro ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Health Careers

2. Working in Health Care

3. Communication in Health Care

4. The Health Care Industry

5. Finding the Right Occupation for You

6. Working with Patients

7. Your Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

8. Your Clinical Internship

9. Health, Wellness, and Safety

10. Employment, Leadership, and Professional Development

Closing Thoughts



File : Becoming a Health Care Professional Test bank For sale ,Buy Becoming a Health Care Professional Test bank , Becoming a Health Care Professional pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Becoming a Health Care Professional zip , Sherry Makely Shirley A. Badasch, Chapman Communications Doreen S. Chesebro

lundi 24 juin 2019

File : Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition Test bank For sale

Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition

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Digital file of Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition by Joseph M. Williams, University of Chicago ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents


Lesson One: Understanding Style

Lesson Two: Correctness

Lesson Three: Actions


Lesson Four: Characters

Lesson Five: Cohesion and Coherence

Lesson Six: Emphasis

Lesson Seven: Concision

Lesson Eight: Shape

Lesson Nine:  Elegance

Lesson Ten: The Ethics of Style


File : Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition Test bank , Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace, 3rd Edition zip , Joseph M. Williams, University of Chicago

File : Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition Test bank For sale

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition

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Digital file of Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition by Marjorie J. Kostelnik, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Anne K. Soderman, Michigan State University Alice P. Whiren, Michigan State University Michelle L. Rupiper, University of Nebraska, Lincoln ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Part 1 Foundations of Early Childhood Education

Chapter 1: Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Chapter 2: Teaching and Learning in Developmentally Appropriate Programs

Part 2 Setting the Stage for Learning

Chapter 3: Planning and Implementing Effective Small-Group Activities

Chapter 4: Planning and Implementing Effective Group-Time Activities

Chapter 5: Organizing Space and Materials

Chapter 6: Child Guidance in Early Childhood Classrooms

Chapter 7:  Assessing and Evaluating Children's Learning

Chapter 8: Strengthening Developmentally Appropriate Programs Through Family Engagement

Part 3 The Curriculum

Chapter 9: The Aesthetic Domain

Chapter 10: The Affective Domain

Chapter 11: The Cognitive Domain

Chapter 12: The Language Domain

Chapter 13: The Physical Domain

Chapter 14: The Social Domain

Part 4 Integrating Curriculum

Chapter 15: Integrating Curriculum Through Pretend and Construction Play

Chapter 16: Organizing Children's Learning Over Time

File : Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition Test bank , Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, Enhanced Pearson eText , 6th Edition zip , Marjorie J. Kostelnik, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Anne K. Soderman, Michigan State University Alice P. Whiren, Michigan State University Michelle L. Rupiper, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

File : Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners Test bank For sale

Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners

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Digital file of Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners by R. A. McWilliam, Siskin Childrens Institute Bryan G. Cook, University of Hawaii at Manoa Melody G. Tankersley, Kent State University CEC G. Division of Research, Kent State University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Research-based Practices in Special Education (Bryan G. Cook, & Melody Tankersley)
  2. Research-based Practices in Early Childhood Special Education (Mary Jo Noonan & Patricia Sheehey)
  3. Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities (Tom Scruggs & Margo Mastropieri)
  4. Teaching Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disability: Effective Instructional Practices (Susan R. Copeland & Kay Osborn)
  5. Effective Reading Interventions for English Language Learners (Kathleen King, Alfredo Artiles, & Amanda Sullivan)
  6. Teaching Students with Language Disorders (Laura Justice, Sandra Gillam, & Anita McGinty)
  7. Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Rose Iovannone)
  8. Effective Practices for Promoting Literacy with Individuals who have Physical Disabilities (Mari Beth Coleman & Kathryn Wolff Heller)
  9. Teaching Students who have Sensory Disabilities (Deborah Chen, Rachel Friedman Narr, & Diane P. Wormsley)
  10. Teaching for Transition to Adulthood (David W. Test, Kelly R. Kelley, & Dawn A. Rowe)

File : Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners Test bank For sale ,Buy Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners Test bank , Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Research-Based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners zip , R. A. McWilliam, Siskin Childrens Institute Bryan G. Cook, University of Hawaii at Manoa Melody G. Tankersley, Kent State University CEC G. Division of Research, Kent State University

File : Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition Test bank For sale

Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition

30.00$ - Pay Now

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Digital file of Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition by Julio I. Andujar, Communication Technologies Robert J. Dixson, Communication Technologies ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Definite Article and Gender of Nouns.

Indefinite Articles.

Plural Nouns.

Descriptive Adjectives.

The Verb Ser.

Subject Pronouns.

Indefinite Articles with Modified Nouns.


Present Tense of Regular Verbs.

Possessive with De.

Ser and Estar.


Hay and Hay que.

Tener que + Infinitive.

Demonstrative Adjectives este, ese, aquel.

Use of a Personal.

Formation of adverbs.

Irregular Verbs Decir, Oír, Venir, Querer.

Auxiliary Verb Poder.

Vocabulary Review.

Preterite Tense, -ar, -er, -ir verbs.

Personal Pronouns-Prepositional Forms.

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns.

Redundant Object Pronouns.

The Verb Gustar.



Reflexive Verbs.

Use of Infinitives.

Preterite Tense of Ser, Ir.

Preterite Tense of Irregular Verbs.

Stem-changing Verbs.

Imperfect Tense of -ar, -er, -ir verbs.

Future Tense, Regular Verbs.

Future Tense, Irregular Verbs.

Shortened Articles (Apócope).

Vocabulary Check-up.

Comparison of Adjectives.

Verbs Ending in -cer, -cir.

Conocer, Saber.

Command Forms-Imperative Mood.

Adjectives without -o ending.

Use of Hace.

Present Perfect (Pretérito perfecto).

Passive Voice (Voz pasiva).

Present Participles.

Past Progressive Tense.

Present Perfect Progressive.

Para and Por.

Present of -uir verbs.

Preterite/progressive of -uir verbs.

Preterite, commands of -gar, -car verbs.

Preterite, commands of -zar verbs.


Possessive Adjectives/Pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns.

Conditional Forms.

Verbs requiring Prepositions.

Prepositions, review.

Subjunctive Mood-Present.

Present Perfect Subjunctive.

Corresponding Verb and Noun Forms.

Corresponding Adjective and Noun Forms.

Future Possible Conditions.

Present Unreal Conditions.

Past Unreal-Past Perfect Subjunctive.


Subjunctives after relative pronouns.

Corresponding Noun and Verb Forms.

Reflexive Verbs-Special Meanings.

Reciprocal Action Verbs.

Que, quien.

El cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales.

Cuyo, cuya, cuyos cuyas.

Deber de haber.

Deber haber.

Pero/sino/, y/e, o/u. o/ó.


Absolute Superlatives.


Vocabulary Check-up.

General Review.

File : Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition Test bank , Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Workbook in Everyday Spanish: A Comprehensive Grammar Review, 4th Edition zip , Julio I. Andujar, Communication Technologies Robert J. Dixson, Communication Technologies

File : Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition Test bank For sale

Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition

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Digital file of Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition by Dominic A. Delli Carpini, York College of Pennsylvania Jack Selzer, The Pennsylvania State University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Rhetorical Contents                                                                                                                                                                  


Joining the Conversation: Reading, Research, and Writing                            


Part One: Conversations about Education                                              



Chapter 1: The Goals and Condition of Public Education                                   

E. B. John Taylor Gatto, "Against School: How Public Education Cripples our Kids, and Why"

*Ron Miller, "Review of John Taylor Gatto’s Dumbing Us Down"                                     

*John Taylor Gatto, "Response to Ron Miller"                                                                        

*Kathleen Anderson, "Reflections in Education: Considering the Impact of Schooling on the


*Dennis Fermoyle, "Blog Posts and responses" From the Trenches of Public


*Laurie H. Rogers and Respondents to the Blog, "Betrayed--Why Public Education is


Larry Cuban,  "Making Public Schools Business-like … Again "

Herb Childress, "A Subtractive Education"


Getting Into the Conversation 1                                                                             

The Goals and Condition of Public Education                                                                             


*ConversationS in CONTEXT 1:

*The Debate About Standardized Testing From a Nation at



Chapter 2: What, and Who, is College For?                                               

Alice Walker, "Everyday Use: For Your Grandmama"                                                          

W. J. Reeves, "College  Isn’t For Everyone"

Garry B. Trudeau, "Doonesbury"

*Thomas Reeves, "College Isn’t for Everybody, and it’s a scandal that We Think It Is (and Blog Responses)"

*Paul Attwell and David E. Lavin, "What the Critics of “College for All” Say"

*Jay Matthews, "Multiplying Benefits of College for Everybody"

*Trent Batson, "Is College Necessary in a Knowledge-Drenched World?"

Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, "The Challenge of Liberty"

Ads for Hofstra University and York College

Clive Crook, "A Matter of Degrees: Why College Is Not an Economic Cure-All"

*Kathleen Waldron, "Access to College Means Access to Economic Mobility for America’s


*Timothy Egan, "No Degree, No Way Back to the Middle"


Getting Into the Conversation 2

What, and Who, Is College for?                                                                                                                        


Extending the Conversation 1

Opportunities for Reading, Writing, and Research


Part Two: Conversations about Information and Technology



Chapter 3: Information and Misinformation in New Media Journalism      

*Caryl Rivers," The New Media Politics of Emotion and Attitude"                                      

Matt Welch, "Blogworld and its Gravity"

David Weinberger, "Blogs and the Values of Journalism"

Frank Partsch, "Unbounded Misrepresentation"

Jeff Jarvis, "Response to Frank  Partsch"

Greg Gutfield, "Mad About You"

Moisés Naím, "The YouTube Effect"

*Steven Johnson,"How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live"

*Rian Van Der Meere, "Response to “How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live”        

*Clive Thompson, "Clive Thompson on the New Literacy"                                                      


Getting Into the Conversation 3

Information and Misinformation in New Media Journalism                                                     


Conversations in Context 2 

What Good is Wikipedia?                                                                                                                                        

*Marshall Poe, The Hive                                                                                                        


Chapter 4: Is Technology Making Us Stupid?                                                

*Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"                                                               

*Pew Research Center, "Does Google Make Us Stupid?"

*Trent Batson, "Response to Nicholas Carr’s 'Is Google Making Us Stupid?'"

*W. Daniel Hillis, Kevin Kelly, Larry Sanger, George Dyson, Jaron Lanier, and Douglas Rushkoff, "What the Internet is Doing to Our

    Brains: Responses to Nicholas Carr"

*Katherine Allen, "Is Technology Making Us Dumb?"                                                               

*Jim Pinto, "Is Technology Making People Stupid?"                                                                

Edward Tufte,"Powerpoint Is Evil"                                                                                          

*Cliff Atkinson, "Five Experts Dispute Edward Tufte on PowerPoint"


Getting Into the Conversation 4

Is Technology Making Us Stupid?                                                                                                                      


Extending the Conversation 2

Opportunities for Reading, Writing, and Research                                                                              


Part Three:  Conversations about Identity: Gender, Race, and Ethnicity        



Chapter 5: Gender Identities                                                                          

Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I a Woman:

Sherry Kleinman, "Why Sexist Language Matters"

Scott Russell Sanders, "The Men We Carry In Our Minds"

*Michael Norman, "From Carol Gilligan’s Chair"                                                                  

*Christina Hoff Sommers, "Do Boys Need to Be Saved?"                                                          

Michael Kimmel, "A War Against Boys?"

Marshall Poe, ""The Other Gender Gap"                                                                                 

*Guy Garcia, "Samson Shorn"                                                                                                   


Getting Into the Conversation 5

Gender Identities                                                                                                                                                    


Conversations in Context 3

The Beauty Myth and Personal Identity                                                                            

Naomi Wolf, from "The Beauty Myth"

Virginia Postrel, 'The Truth About Beauty"


Chapter 6: Racial and Ethnic Identities                                                         

Public Statement by Eight Alabama Clergyman

Martin Luther King Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

*bell hooks, "Overcoming White Supremacy: A Comment"                                                      

Amitai Etzioni, "Leaving Race Behind"

*Richard Rodriguez, "The Third Man"                                                                                         

*Vickie Nam, ed.,  from "Yell-Oh Girls"                                                                                    

*Helen Zia, "From Nothing, a Consciousness"                                                                        


Getting Into the Conversation 6

Racial and Ethnic Identities                                                                                                                                 


Extending the Conversation 3

Opportunities for Reading, Writing, and Research                                                                          


Part Four  Conversations about Love Relationships and Marriage    



Chapter 7: Hooking Up: Relationships in the 21st Century                             

Jillian Straus, "Lone Stars: Being Single

*Jessica Bennett, "The Only You. And You. And You."

*Sandra Barron, "R We D8Ting?"

*Theodore Stites, "Modern Love: Someone to Watch Over Me (On a Google Map)"

*Tom Wolfe, "Hooking Up: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the Second Millenium"

*Matt Sigl, "You Aught to Remember Blog Post"

*Laura Sessions Stepp, "The Unrelationship"

*Kathleen Bogle, "Hooking Up and Dating: A Comparison"

*Kate Harding, "Hookup Culture's Bad Rap"


Getting Into the Conversation 7

Hooking Up: Relationships in the 21st Century                                                                                          


Conversations in Context 4

Loving Online                                                                                                                               

*Aaron Ben-Ze’ev, from Love Online: Emotions on the Internet                                               


Chapter 8: The Ideal and Real of Marriage

Margaret Mead, "Can Marriage Be For Life?"

Stephanie Coontz, "The Evolution of Matrimony: The Changing Social Context of Marriage"

*Caitlin Flanagan, "Is There Hope for American Marriage?"

*Sandra Tsing Loh, "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off"

*Amy Benfer, "When Date Night Is Not Enough"

*Amanda Fortini, "Why Your Marriage Sucks"

*Elizabeth Weil, "Married (Happily) with Issues"


Getting Into the Conversation 8

The Ideal and Real of Marriage


Extending the Conversation 4

Opportunities for Reading, Writing, and Research


Part Five: Conversations about Sustainability



Chapter 9: Feeting the World: Towards Sustainable Foods

Eric Schlosser, "Fast Food Nation"

*Steve Ettinger, "Consider the Twinkie"

*James E. McWilliams, "From the Golden Age to the Golden Mean of Food Production

*Jeffrey Moussaif Masson, "The Only World We Have"

*Paul Roberts, "Food Fight"

*Michael Pollan, "The Industrialization of Eating"

*Lierre Keith, "To Save the World"


Getting Into the Conversation 9

Feeding the World: Toward Sustainable Foods


Conversations in Context 5

The Past and Future of Nuclear Energy

    *Steve Chu, "Small Modular Reactors Will Expand the Ways We Use Atomic Power"

    *Patrick Moore, "Going Nuclear; A Green Makes the Cause"

    *Steven Cohen, "Nuclear Power is Complicated, Dangerous, and Definitely Not the Answer"


Chapter 10: Sustaining Our Environment: Who Are the Best Guardians?

Patrick Moore, "Hard Choices for the Environmental Movement"

*Greenpeace International, "Statement on Patrick Moore"

*Patrick Moore, "How Sick Is That? Environmental Movement Has Lost Its Way"

Emma Marris, "In the Name of Nature"

Margery Kraus and Michael Brune, "Are Businesses Better Equipped Than Government to Address 21st Century Environmental

    Challenges? A Dialouge"

Marc Gunther, Doris Burke, Jia Lynn Yang, "The Green Machine"

Gregg Easterbrook, "Some Convenient Truths"

*Heather Rogers, "Green by Any Means"


Getting into the Converstaion 10

Sustaining Our Environment: Who Are the Best Guardians?


Extending the Conversations 5

Opportunities for Reading, Writing, and Research


A Guide to Incorporating Sources and Avoiding Plagarism


Author/Title Index

File : Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition Test bank , Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Conversations: Reading for Writing, 8th Edition zip , Dominic A. Delli Carpini, York College of Pennsylvania Jack Selzer, The Pennsylvania State University