mardi 2 octobre 2018

File : Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law 4th Edition Test bank For sale

Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law 4th Edition

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Digital file of Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law 4th Edition for sale

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Category : Business

Cengage Advantage Books Introduction to Business Law 4th Edition by Beatty Samuelson ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Product Description:

INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 4E presents the full range of business law topics in a series of brief, quick-reading chapters, perfect for single-semester or one-quarter courses. Accurate, comprehensive, and extremely reader-friendly, INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 4E uses an innovative storytelling style to bring cases and legal concepts to life. Plus, it highlights the material’s business applications, so students can envision how they’ll apply the content in their careers.

Table of contents:

1. Introduction to Law.
2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.
3. Courts, Litigation, and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
4. Constitutional, Statutory, Administrative, and Common Law.
5. Intentional Torts and Business Torts.
6. Negligence and Strict Liability.
7. Criminal Law and Procedure.
8. International Law.
9. Introduction to Contracts.
10. Legality, Consent, and Writing.
11. Conclusion to Contracts.
12. Practical Contracts.
13. Sales and Product Liability.
14. Negotiable Instruments.
15. Secured Transactions.
16. Bankruptcy.
17. Agency.
18. Employment Law.
19. Employment Discrimination.
20. Labor Law.
21. Starting a Business: LLCs and Other Options.
22. Corporations.
23. Government Regulation: Securities and Antitrust.
24. Accountants’ Liability
25. Consumer Law.
26. Environmental Law. 27. Cyberlaw.
28. Intellectual Property.
29. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law.
30. Personal Property and Bailment.
31. Estate Planning.
32. Insurance

Product Details:

Language: English
ISBN-13: 9781133188155
ISBN-13: 978-1133188155
ISBN-10: 113318815X

See More: Cengage Advantage Books Fundamentals of Business Law Today Summarized Cases 10th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller solution manual

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