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File : America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition Test bank For sale

America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition

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Digital file of America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition by Robert A. Divine, University of Texas T. H. Breen, Northwestern University R. Hal Williams, Southern Methodist University Ariela J. Gross, University of Southern California H. W. Brands, University of Texas ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Found in this section:

1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents




Chapter 16 The Agony of Reconstruction

Chapter 17 The West: Exploiting an Empire 

Chapter 18 The Industrial Society 

Chapter 19 Toward an Urban Society, 1877—1900 

Chapter 20 Political Realignments in the 1890s 

Chapter 21 Toward Empire 

Chapter 22 The Progressive Era 

Chapter 23 From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism 

Chapter 24 The Nation at War 

Chapter 25 Transition to Modern America 

Chapter 26 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal

Chapter 27 America and the World, 1921—1945

Chapter 28 The Onset of the Cold War 

Chapter 29 Affluence and Anxiety 

Chapter 30 The Turbulent Sixties

Chapter 31 The Rise of a New Conservatism, 1969—1988 

Chapter 32 To the Twenty-first Century, 1989—2011




Chapter 16: The Agony of Reconstruction

Robert Smalls and Black Politicians During Reconstruction

The President vs. Congress

Wartime Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson at the Helm

Congress Takes the Initiative

Congressional Reconstruction Plan Enacted

The Impeachment Crisis

Reconstructing Southern Society

Reorganizing Land and Labor

Black Codes: A New Name for Slavery?

Republican Rule in the South

Claiming Public and Private Rights

Retreat from Reconstruction

Rise of the Money Question

Final Efforts of Reconstruction

A Reign of Terror Against Blacks

Spoilsmen vs. Reformers

Reunion and the New South

The Compromise of 1877

“Redeeming” a New South

The Rise of Jim Crow

Conclusion: Henry McNeal Turner and the “Unfinished


Changing Views of Reconstruction


Chapter 17: The West: Exploiting an Empire

Lean Bear’s Changing West

Beyond the Frontier

Crushing the Native Americans

Life of the Plains Indians

“As Long as Waters Run”: Searching for an Indian Policy

Final Battles on the Plains

The End of Tribal Life

Settlement of the West

Men and Women on the Overland Trail

Land for the Taking

Territorial Government

The Spanish-Speaking Southwest

The Bonanza West

The Mining Bonanza

Gold from the Roots Up: The Cattle Bonanza

Sodbusters on the Plains: The Farming Bonanza

New Farming Methods

Discontent on the Farm

The Final Fling

Conclusion: The Meaning of the West

Blacks in Blue: The Buffalo Soldiers in the West


Chapter 18: The Industrial Society

A Machine Culture

Industrial Development

An Empire on Rails

“Emblem of Motion and Power”

Building the Empire

Linking the Nation via Trunk Lines

Rails Across the Continent

Problems of Growth

An Industrial Empire

Carnegie and Steel

Rockefeller and Oil

The Business of Invention

The Sellers

The Wage Earners

Working Men,Working Women,Working Children

Culture of Work

Labor Unions

Labor Unrest

Conclusion: Industrialization’s Benefits and Costs

Chicago’s “Second Nature”


Chapter 19: Toward an Urban Society, 1877–1900

The Overcrowded City

The Lure of the City

Skyscrapers and Suburbs

Tenements and the Problems of Overcrowding

Strangers in a New Land

Immigrants and the City

The House That Tweed Built

Social and Cultural Change, 1877–1900

Manners and Mores

Leisure and Entertainment

Changes in Family Life

Changing Views: A Growing Assertiveness Among Women

Educating the Masses

Higher Education

The Stirrings of Reform

Progress and Poverty

New Currents in Social Thought

The Settlement Houses

A Crisis in Social Welfare

Conclusion: The Pluralistic Society

Ellis Island: Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears

Plessy v. Ferguson: The Shaping of Jim Crow


Chapter 20: Political Realignments in the 1890s

Hardship and Heartache

Politics of Stalemate

The Party Deadlock

Experiments in the States

Reestablishing Presidential Power

Republicans in Power: The Billion-Dollar Congress

Tariffs, Trusts, and Silver

The 1890 Elections

The Rise of the Populist Movement

The Farm Problem

The Fast-Growing Farmers’ Alliance

The People’s Party

The Crisis of the Depression

The Panic of 1893

Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike

The Miners of the Midwest

A Beleaguered President

Breaking the Party Deadlock

Changing Attitudes

“Everybody Works But Father”

Changing Themes in Literature

The Presidential Election of 1896

The Mystique of Silver

The Republicans and Gold

The Democrats and Silver

Campaign and Election

The McKinley Administration

Conclusion: A Decade’s Dramatic Changes

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


Chapter 21: Toward Empire

Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

America Looks Outward

Catching the Spirit of Empire

Reasons for Expansion

Foreign Policy Approaches, 1867–1900

The Lure of Hawaii and Samoa

The New Navy

War with Spain

A War for Principle

“A Splendid Little War”

“Smoked Yankees”

The Course of the War

Acquisition of Empire

The Treaty of Paris Debate

Guerrilla Warfare in the Philippines

Governing the Empire

The Open Door

Conclusion: Outcome of the War with Spain

The 400 Million Customers of China


Chapter 22: The Progressive Era

Muckrakers Call for Reform

The Changing Face of Industrialism

The Innovative Model T

The Burgeoning Trusts

Managing the Machines

Society’s Masses

Better Times on the Farm

Women and Children at Work

The Niagara Movement and the NAACP

“I Hear the Whistle”: Immigrants in the Labor Force

Conflict in the Workplace

Organizing Labor

Working with Workers


A New Urban Culture

Production and Consumption

Living and Dying in an Urban Nation

Popular Pastimes

Experimentation in the Arts

Conclusion: A Ferment of Discovery and Reform

The Triangle Fire


Chapter 23: From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism

The Republicans Split

The Spirit of Progressivism

The Rise of the Professions

The Social-Justice Movement

The Purity Crusade

Woman Suffrage, Women’s Rights

A Ferment of Ideas: Challenging the Status Quo

Reform in the Cities and States

Interest Groups and the Decline of Popular Politics

Reform in the Cities

Action in the States

The Republican Roosevelt

Busting the Trusts

“Square Deal” in the Coalfields

Roosevelt Progressivism at Its Height

Regulating the Railroads

Cleaning up Food and Drugs

Conserving the Land

The Ordeal of William Howard Taft

Party Insurgency

The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair

Taft Alienates the Progressives

Differing Philosophies in the Election of 1912

Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom

The New Freedom in Action

Wilson Moves Toward the New Nationalism

Conclusion: The Fruits of Progressivism

Madam C. J. Walker: African American Business


Muller v. Oregon: Expanding the Definition of Acceptable



Chapter 24: The Nation at War

The Sinking of the Lusitania

A New World Power

“I Took the Canal Zone”

The Roosevelt Corollary

Ventures in the Far East

Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

Foreign Policy Under Wilson

Conducting Moral Diplomacy

Troubles Across the Border

Toward War

The Neutrality Policy

Freedom of the Seas

The U-Boat Threat

“He Kept Us Out of War”

The Final Months of Peace

Over There


War in the Trenches

Over Here

The Conquest of Convictions

A Bureaucratic War

Labor in the War

The Treaty of Versailles

A Peace at Paris

Rejection in the Senate

Conclusion: Postwar Disillusionment

Measuring the Mind


Chapter 25: Transition to Modern America

Wheels for the Millions

The Second Industrial Revolution

The Automobile Industry

Patterns of Economic Growth

Economic Weaknesses

City Life in the Jazz Age

Women and the Family

The Roaring Twenties

The Flowering of the Arts

The Rural Counterattack

The Fear of Radicalism


The Ku Klux Klan

Immigration Restriction

The Fundamentalist Challenge

Politics of the 1920s

Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover

Republican Policies

The Divided Democrats

The Election of 1928

Conclusion: The Old and the New

Marcus Garvey: Racial Redemption and Black


The Scopes “Monkey” Trial: Contesting Cultural



Chapter 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal

The Struggle Against Despair

The Great Depression

The Great Crash

Effect of the Depression

Fighting the Depression

Hoover and Voluntarism

The Emergence

The Hundred Days

Roosevelt and Recovery

Roosevelt and Relief

Roosevelt and Reform

Challenges to FDR

Social Security

Labor Legislation

Impact of the New Deal

Rise of Organized Labor

The New Deal Record on Help to Minorities

Women at Work

End of the New Deal

The Election of 1936

The Supreme Court Fight

The New Deal in Decline

Conclusion: The New Deal and American Life

Eleanor Roosevelt and the Quest for Social Justice


Chapter 27: America and the World, 1921–1945

A Pact Without Power

Retreat, Reversal, and Rivalry

Retreat in Europe

Cooperation in Latin America

Rivalry in Asia


The Lure of Pacifism and Neutrality

War in Europe

The Road to War

From Neutrality to Undeclared War

Showdown in the Pacific

Turning the Tide Against the Axis

Wartime Partnerships

Halting the German Blitz

Checking Japan in the Pacific

The Home Front

The Arsenal of Democracy

A Nation on the Move

Win-the-War Politics


War Aims and Wartime Diplomacy

Triumph and Tragedy in the Pacific

Conclusion: The Transforming Power of War

The Face of the Holocaust


Chapter 28: The Onset of the Cold War

The Potsdam Summit

The Cold War Begins

The Division of Europe

Withholding Economic Aid

The Atomic Dilemma


The Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan

The Western Military Alliance

The Berlin Blockade

The Cold War Expands

The Military Dimension

The Cold War in Asia

The Korean War

The Cold War at Home

Truman’s Troubles

Truman Vindicated

The Loyalty Issue

McCarthyism in Action

The Republicans in Power

Eisenhower Wages the Cold War

Entanglement in Indochina

Containing China

Covert Actions

Waging Peace

Conclusion: The Continuing Cold War

America Enters the Middle East


Chapter 29: Affluence and Anxiety

Levittown: The Flight to the Suburbs

The Postwar Boom

Postwar Prosperity

Life in the Suburbs

The Good Life?

Areas of Greatest Growth

Critics of the Consumer Society

Farewell to Reform

Truman and the Fair Deal

Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism

The Struggle over Civil Rights

Civil Rights as a Political Issue

Desegregating the Schools

The Beginnings of Black Activism

Conclusion: Restoring National Confidence

The Reaction to Sputnik


Chapter 30: The Turbulent Sixties

Kennedy versus Nixon: The First Televised Presidential

Candidate Debate

Kennedy Intensifies the Cold War

Flexible Response

Crisis over Berlin

Containment in Southeast Asia

Containing Castro: The Bay of Pigs Fiasco

Containing Castro: The Cuban Missile Crisis

The New Frontier at Home

The Congressional Obstacle

Economic Advance

Moving Slowly on Civil Rights

“I Have a Dream”

The Supreme Court and Reform

“Let Us Continue”

Johnson in Action

The Election of 1964

The Triumph of Reform

Johnson Escalates the Vietnam War

The Vietnam Dilemma



Years of Turmoil

The Student Revolt

Protesting the Vietnam War

The Cultural Revolution

“Black Power”

Ethnic Nationalism

Women’s Liberation

The Return of Richard Nixon

Vietnam Undermines Lyndon Johnson

The Democrats Divide

The Republican Resurgence

Conclusion: The End of an Era

Unintended Consequences: The Second Great



Chapter 31: The Rise of a New Conservatism, 1969–1988

Reagan and America’s Shift to the Right

The Tempting of Richard Nixon

Pragmatic Liberalism


Ending the Vietnam War

The Watergate Scandal

The Economy of Stagflation

War and Oil

The Great Inflation

The Shifting American Economy

A New Environmentalism

Private Lives, Public Issues

The Changing American Family

Gains and Setbacks for Women

The Gay Liberation Movement

The AIDS Epidemic

Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate

The Ford Administration

Carter and American Malaise

Troubles Abroad

The Collapse of Détente

The Reagan Revolution

The Election of 1980

Cutting Taxes and Spending

Unleashing the Private Sector

Reagan and the World

Challenging the “Evil Empire”

Confrontation in Central America

More Trouble in the Middle East

Trading Arms for Hostages

Reagan the Peacemaker

Conclusion: Challengingthe New Deal

The Christian Right

Roe v. Wade: The Struggle over Women’s Reproductive



Chapter 32: To the Twenty-First Century, 1989–2011

“This Will Not Stand”: Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold

War Era

The First President Bush

Republicans at Home

Ending the Cold War

The Gulf War

The Changing Faces of America

A People on the Move

The Revival of Immigration

Emerging Hispanics

Advance and Retreat for African Americans

Americans from Asia and the Middle East

Assimilation or Diversity?

The New Democrats

The Election of 1992

Clinton and Congress

Scandal in the White House

Clinton and the World

Old Rivals in New Light

To Intervene or Not

The Balkan Wars

Republicans Triumphant

The Disputed Election of 2000

George W. Bush at Home

The War on Terror

A New American Empire?

Bush Reelected

Old Issues, New Challenges

The Culture Wars Continue

Doubting the Future

Echoes of the Thirties

A New FDR?

Conclusion: The Vulnerabilities of Power

The Battle of Seattle

File : America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition Test bank , America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD America: Past and Present, Volume 2, 10th Edition zip , Robert A. Divine, University of Texas T. H. Breen, Northwestern University R. Hal Williams, Southern Methodist University Ariela J. Gross, University of Southern California H. W. Brands, University of Texas

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