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Digital file of Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals, The, 2nd Edition for sale
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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Modern View of the Universe
1.1 The Scale of the Universe
- What is our place in the universe?
- How big is the universe?
Tools of Science: Doing the Math
1.2 The History of the Universe
- How did we come to be?
- How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?
1.3 The Process of Science in Action: Defining Planets
- What is a planet?
Chapter 2: Understanding the Sky
2.1 Understanding the Seasons
- What causes the seasons?
- Why do the constellations we see depend on the time of year?
2.2 Understanding the Moon
- Why do we see phases of the Moon?
- What causes eclipses?
Tools of Science: Angular Sizes and Distances
2.3 The Process of Science in Action: The Puzzle of Planetary Motion
- Why did the ancient Greeks reject the real explanation for planetary motion?
Chapter 3: Changes in Our Perspective
3.1 From Earth-centered to Sun-centered
- How did the Greeks explain planetary motion?
- How did the Copernican revolution change our view of the universe?
3.2 Hallmarks of Science
Tools of Science: Telescopes
- How can we distinguish science from nonscience?
- What is a scientific theory?
3.3 The Process of Science in Action: The Fact and Theory of Gravity
- How does the fact of gravity differ from the theory of gravity?
Chapter 4: Origin of the Solar System
4.1 Characteristics of the Solar System
- What does the solar system look like?
- What features of our solar system provide clues to how it formed?
Tools of Science: Conservation Laws
4.2 The Birth of the Solar System
- What theory best explains the orderly patterns of motion in our solar system?
- How does our theory account for the features of planets, moons, and small bodies?
4.3 The Process of Science in Action: The Age of the Solar System
- How do we determine the age of Earth and the solar system?
Chapter 5: Terrestrial Planets
5.1 Terrestrial surfaces and atmospheres
- What determines a world’s level of geological activity?
- How does an atmosphere affect conditions for life?
Tools of Science: Basic Properties of Light
5.2 Histories of the Terrestrial Worlds
- Why did the terrestrial worlds turn out so differently?
- What unique features of Earth are important for life?
5.3 The Process of Science in Action: Global Warming
- What is the evidence for global warming?
Chapter 6: The Outer Solar System
6.1 Jovian Planets, Rings and Moons
- What are Jovian planets like?
Tools of Science: Newton’s Version of Kepler’s Third Law
Why are Jovian moons so geologically active?
6.2 Asteroids, Comets, and the Impact Threat
- Why are asteroids and comets grouped into three distinct regions?
- Do small bodies pose an impact threat to Earth?
6.3 The Process of Science in Action: Extinction of the Dinosaurs
- Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?
Chapter 7: Planets Around Other Stars
7.1 Detecting planets around other stars
- How do we detect planets around other stars?
Tools of Science: The Doppler Effect
- What properties of extrasolar planets can we measure?
7.2 Characteristics of Extrasolar Planets
- How do extrasolar planets compare with planets in our solar system?
- Are Earth-like planets common?
7.3 The Process of Science in Action: Planets and the Nebular Theory
- Do we need to modify our theory of solar system formation?
Chapter 8: The Sun and Other Stars
8.1 Properties of the Sun
- Why does the Sun shine?
- How does energy escape from the Sun?
Tools of Science: Spectroscopy
8.2 Properties of other stars
- How do we measure the properties of stars?
- What patterns do we find in the properties of stars?
8.3 The Process of Science in Action: Visualizing Patterns Among Stars
- How did we discover the patterns in stellar properties?
Chapter 9: Stellar Lives
9.1 Lives in Balance
- Why do stars shine so steadily?
- Why do a star’s properties depend on its mass?
9.2 Star death
Tools of Science: Quantum Laws and Astronomy
- What will happen when our Sun runs out of fuel?
- How do high-mass stars end their lives?
9.3 The Process of Science in Action: Testing Stellar Models With Star Clusters
- What do star clusters reveal about the lives of stars?
Chapter 10: The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard
10.1 White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
- What are white dwarfs?
- What are neutron stars?
10.2 Black Holes
- What are black holes?
Tools of Science: Einstein’s Theories of Relativity
- What happens to space and time near a black hole?
10.3 The Process of Science in Action: Searching for Black Holes
- Do black holes really exist?
Chapter 11: Galaxies
11.1 Our Galaxy: The Milky Way
- What does our galaxy look like?
Tools of Science: Observing Different Kinds of Light
- How did the Milky Way form?
11.2 GALAXIES beyond the Milky Way
- What are the major types of galaxies?
- Why do galaxies differ?
11.3 The process of science in action: Seeking Supermassive Black Holes
- What is the evidence for supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies?
Chapter 12: Galaxy Distances and Hubble's Law
12.1 Measuring cosmic distances
- How do we measure the distances to galaxies?
Tools of Science: Measuring Distances with Standard Candles
- What is Hubble’s law?
12.2 The Implications of Hubble’s Law
- In what sense is the universe expanding?
- How do distance measurements tell us the age of the universe?
12.3 The Process of Science in Action: Observing galaxy evolution
- What do we see when we look back through time?
Chapter 13: The Birth of the Universe
13.1 The Big Bang Theory
- What were conditions like in the early universe?
Tools of Science: Particle Accelerators
- How did the early universe change with time?
13.2 Evidence for the Big Bang
- How do observations of the cosmic microwave background support the Big Bang Theory?
- How do the abundances of elements support the big bang theory?
13.3 The Process of Science in Action: Inflation
- Did the universe undergo an early episode of inflation?
Chapter 14: Dark Matter and Energy
14.1 Evidence for dark matter
- What is the evidence for dark matter?
Tools of Science: The Orbital Velocity Law
- What might dark matter be made of?
14.2 Gravity versus expansion
- How did structures like galaxies form?
- Will the universe continue expanding forever?
14.3 The Process of science in Action: Evidence for dark energy
- What is the evidence for dark energy?
Chapter 15: Life in the Universe
15.1 The Search for Life in the Solar System
- What are the necessities of life?
- Could there be life elsewhere in our solar system?
15.2 The Search for Life Among the Stars
- How can we identify habitable planets?
Tools of Science: Planetary Spacecraft
- Is there intelligent life beyond Earth?
15.3 The Process of Science in Action: The Evolution of Earth and Beyond
- What is the evidence for evolution?
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