jeudi 31 janvier 2019

File : Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) Test bank For sale

Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription)

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Digital file of Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) by Linda J. Dorn, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Carla Soffos, University of Arkansas at Little Rock ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Forward by Dick Allington



• Research on small group interventions

• Can strategy-based interventions for struggling readers change their learning trajectory so they begin to perform like successful readers? If so, what would the intervention look like? Can the intervention be implemented by classroom teachers, as well as reading specialists? Would it work with learning disabled students? If so, what would it look like for special education teachers?

• Purpose of the book and overview of the chapters


Chapter 1   A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Reversing Reading Failure

• Constructing Knowledge

• Teaching for Transfer

• Response to Intervention

• A Tiered Approach to RtI

• Two Waves of Literacy Defense

• First Wave of Defense

• Second Wave of Defense       

• The Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM)

• CIM Portfolio of Interventions

• Guided Reading Plus Intervention

• Assisted Writing Intervention

• Writing Process Group Intervention

• Comprehension Focus Group Interventions

• Matching Interventions to Students

• Closing Thoughts

• Notes


Chapter 2   Comprehensive Assessment System

• Comprehensive Literacy Diagnostic

• Pre- and Post-Intervention: Diagnostic Assessments

• Comprehensive Assessment Portfolio

• During the Intervention: Dynamic Assessments

• Progress Monitoring Assessments

• Assessments in the Comprehensive Intervention Model

• Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement

• Emergent Writing Assessment

• Record of Oral Language

• Oral Language Acquisition Inventory

• Timed Word Writing Prompt

• Phonological Awareness Assessment

• Writing Prompt with Rubric

• Running Record on Keystone Text

• Text Reading Level Assessment

• Instructional Reading Levels

• Reading Behavior Checklist

• Comprehension Guides

• Oral Reading Fluency Scale

• Word Test

• Writing About Reading Checklist

• Writing Behavior Checklist

• District Assessments

• Selected Work Samples

• Classroom Rubrics, Checklists, and Writing Scoring Guides

• Writing Portfolio District Checklist

• Anecdotal Notes

• Record Keeping Forms

• Closing Thoughts

• Notes 


Chapter 3   Differentiated Classroom Instruction

• Workshop Framework

• Writing Workshop

• Writing Conferences

• Writing Process Intervention

• Assessing Writing Development

• Using a Writing Continuum

• Closing Thoughts


Chapter 4   Assisted Writing Intervention: Interactive Writing and Writing Aloud

• Assisted Writing Interventions

• Phase One: The Reading Phase

• Phase Two: The Writing Phase              

• Materials

• Planning for Instruction

• Moving Into Writing Aloud

• Intervention Framework for Writing Aloud

• Materials for Writing Aloud

• Planning for Instruction

• Closing Thoughts


Chapter 5   Guided Reading Plus Intervention

• Guided Reading Plus Intervention

• Assessments         

• Intervention Framework

• Guided Reading Plus Lesson Planners

• Emergent and Early Readers

• Transitional Readers

• Materials for Guided Reading Plus

• Change Over Time in Writing Instruction

• Writing About Reading at the Emergent Level

• Using Writing Prompts to Respond to Reading

• Closing Thoughts


Chapter 6   Learning About Letters and Words

• Phonological Systems

• Learning About Sounds

• Orthographic Systems

• Learning About Letters

• Learning About Words

• Word Study Continuum

• Designing Word Study Continuum

• Closing Thoughts


Chapter 7   Implementing the CIM as an RtI Method

• School 1: Assessing the School Environment and Core Instruction

• School 2: Creating a Seamless Assessment system for Systemic Improvement

• School 3: Collaboration Teams for Decision-Making

• Aligning Classroom and Special Education

• Implementing a Comprehensive Plan for School Improvement                       

• Training Special             

• Putting It All Together

• Notes



File : Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) Test bank For sale ,Buy Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) Test bank , Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Interventions that Work: A Comprehensive Intervention Model for Preventing Reading Failure in Grades K-3 (Subscription) zip , Linda J. Dorn, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Carla Soffos, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

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