mercredi 30 janvier 2019

File : Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition Test bank For sale

Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition

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Digital file of Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition by Mark E. Young Mark E. Young ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1    Helping as a Personal Journey

The Demands of the Journey

Becoming a Reflective Practitioner

How a Helper Develops: Perry's Stages

The Development of Expertise

The Challenge of Development

The Perfect Helper or When Do I Quit Developing?

Who Can Be an Effective Helper?

What Can You Bring to a Client?


Chapter 2    The Nuts and Bolts of Helping

Defining Some Important Terms

How is Professional Helping Different from Friendship?

What Can You Expect from a Helping Relationship?

Learning Basic Skills and Common Curative Factors

Stages of the Helping Process: A Road Map


Chapter 3    The Therapeutic Relationship

The Importance of the Therapeutic Relationship in Creating Change

How Can a Helper Create a Therapeutic Relationship?

Other Factors That Help or Strain the Therapeutic Relationship


Chapter 4    Helping Someone Who Is Different

Differences That Can Affect the Therapeutic Alliance

Challenges Caused by Differences in Culture

Helping a Client Whose Culture is Different from the Helper's

Challenges Caused by Differences in Gender


Chapter 5    Invitational Skills

Listening to the Client's Story

Nonverbal Communication Between Helper and Client

Nonverbal Skills in the Helping Relationship

Opening Skills: How to Invite


Chapter 6    Reflecting Skills: Paraphrasing

Reflecting Content and Thoughts, Reflecting Feelings, and Reflecting Meaning

Reasons for Reflecting

The Skill of Paraphrasing: Reflecting Content and Thoughts

Common Problems in Paraphrasing


Chapter 7    Reflecting Skills: Reflecting Feelings

The Importance of Understanding Emotions

The Skill of Reflecting Feelings

How to Reflect Feelings

Common Problems in Reflecting Feelings


Chapter 8    Reflecting Skills: Reflecting Meaning and Summarizing

Meaning: Uncovering the Next Layer

How to Identify Meaning Issues with a Clint


The Nonjudgmental Listening Cycle


Chapter 9    Challenging Skills

When Should We Use the Challenging Skills?

Giving Feedback

How to Give Feedback


How to Confront

Evaluating Confrontation and Client Response


Chapter 10    Assessment and the Initial Interview

Why Assessment?

Testing as an Assessment Tool

Assessment is a Critical Part of Helping

Categorizing Clients and Their Problems

Beginning Assessment Methods


Chapter 11    Goal-Setting Skills

Where Do I Go from Here? Set Goals!

What are the Characteristics of Constructive Goals?

Who Owns the Problem? The Technique of Focusing on the Client

The Technique of Boiling Down the Problem


Chapter 12    Change Techniques

Giving Advice and Information


The Skill of Alternate Interpretation

How to Teach a Client to Use Alternate Interpretation


Chapter 13    Outcome Evaluation and Termination Skills

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Helping

Basic Outcome Evaluation Methods


Dealing with Loss at Termination

How to Maintain Therapeutic Gains and Prevent Relapse Following Termination


Chapter 14    Curative Factors and Advanced Change Techniques: Part I

Curative Factors

Treatment Planning and the REPLAN System

The Therapeutic Factor of Enhancing Efficacy and Self-Esteem

Silencing the Internal Critic: The Technique of Countering

Practicing New Behaviors




Chapter 15    Curative Factors and Advanced Change Techniques: Part II

Lowering and Raising Emotional Arousal

Techniques that Stimulate Emotional Arousal and Expression

Activating Client Expectations, Hope, and Motivation

Providing New Learning Experiences



File : Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition Test bank , Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (Subscription), 5th Edition zip , Mark E. Young Mark E. Young

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