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Digital file of West,The: A Narrative History, Volume One: To 1660 (Subscription), 3rd Edition for sale
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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Found in this section:
1. Brief Table of Contents
2. Full Table of Contents
Part I Departure Prehistory to 1000 B.C.E.
Chapter 1 The Birth of Civilization
Chapter 2 The Rise of Empires and the Beginning of the Iron Age
Part II The Classical Era 2000 B.C.E. to 30 C.E.
Chapter 3 Aegean Civilizations
Chapter 4 The Hellenic Era
Chapter 5 The Hellenistic Era and the Rise of Rome
Chapter 6 Rome’s Empire and the Unification of the Western World
Part III The Division of the West 300 to 1300
Chapter 7 The West’s Medieval Civilizations
Chapter 8 The Emergence of Europe
Chapter 9 Europe Turns Outward
Chapter 10 Europe’s High Middle Ages
Part IV Challenges, Conflicts, and Departures 1300 to 1700
Chapter 11 Challenges to the Medieval Order
Chapter 12 Renaissance and Exploration
Chapter 13 Reformation, Religious Wars, and National Conflicts
Part I — Departure Prehistory to 1000 B.C.E.
Chapter 1: The Birth of Civilization
Key Question: How do environments shape human communities and human communities alter environments?
The Evolution of the Prehistoric Cultures
The Archaic States
The Origin of Civilization in Mesopotamia: Sumer
The Rise of Civilization in Egypt
Chapter 2: The Rise of Empires and the Beginning of the Iron Age
Key Question: Does civilization promote or intensify divisions among peoples?
The Transition States
Imperial Egypt: The New Kingdom
The Indo-Europeans and the Clash of Empires
The Bible and History
Part II — The Classical Era 2000 B.C.E. to 30 C.E.
Chapter 3: Aegean Civilizations
Key Question: When does civilization in the West become “Western” civilization?
Minoan Mentors
The Mycenaeans, Greece’s First Civilization
The Aegean Dark Age
The Hellenic Era
The Rise of the Mainland Powers
The Persian Wars: Crucible of a Civilization
Chapter 4: The Hellenic Era
Key Question: What did the Greeks contribute to the development of modern civilization?
Persian Wars as Catalyst
The Peloponnesian War
Intellectual and Artistic Life in the Polis
Chapter 5: The Hellenistic Era and the Rise of Rome
Key Question: What circumstances are likely to undermine governments by the people?
The Hellenistic Era
The Origin of Rome
The Roman Republic
Rome’s Civil War
Chapter 6: Rome’s Empire and the Unification of the Western World
Key Question: Do people prefer order to liberty?
The Augustan Era
Order and Continuity: The Dynastic Option
Order and Continuity: The Elective Option
Life in an Imperial Environment
The Decline of Rome
Part III — The Division of the West 300 to 1300
Chapter 7: The West’s Medieval Civilizations
Key Question: Should freedom of religion be limited?
The Christian Element
The German Element
The Byzantine Empire of Constantinople
Chapter 8: The Emergence of Europe
Key Question: How did Europe build on its legacies from the ancient world?
The Merovingian Kingdom: Europe’s Nucleus
The Franks’ Neighbors
The Carolingian Era
Retrenchment and Reorganization
The Culture of Europe’s Dark Age
Chapter 9: Europe Turns Outward
Key Question: Was conflict among the medieval civilizations inevitable?
Islam’s Crest and Byzantium’s Resurgence
The Reorganization of Feudal Europe
The Eleventh-Century Turning Point
Chapter 10: Europe’s High Middle Ages
Key Question: Why are some societies more open to change than others?
The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century
Universities and Scholasticism
Religious Revival and Diversity of Opinion
The Artistic Vision of the High Middle Ages
Government in the High Middle Ages
Part IV — Challenges, Conflicts, and Departures 1300 to 1700
Chapter 11: Challenges to the Medieval Order
Key Question: What did the crises of the late medieval era reveal about the strengths and weaknesses of Europe’s civilization?
Challenges from Nature
Turmoil in the Middle East
Spiritual Crises
Political Responses: The Burdens of War
Chapter 12: Renaissance and Exploration
Key Question: How should a society use its history?
The Context for the Renaissance
The Culture of the Renaissance
The Northern Renaissance
The Middle East: The Ottoman Empire
Europe and Atlantic Exploration
Chapter 13: Reformation, Religious Wars, and National Conflicts
Key Question: How do civilized societies justify war?
The Lutheran Reformation
The Swiss Reformation
The Catholic Reformation
The Habsburg-Valois Wars
England’s Ambivalent Reformation
Convergence of Foreign and Domestic Politics: England, Spain, and France
The Final Religious Upheaval
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