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Digital file of Writing Talk: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs with Readings, 5th Edition for sale
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Category : Higher Education
* EVERY UNIT ENDS WITH UNIT TEST, UNIT TALK-WRITE ASSIGNMENT, UNIT COLLABORATIVE ASSIGNMENT, UNIT WRITING ASSIGNMENT, & PHOTO WRITING ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS REASON IT IS ONLY LISTED ONCE IN UNIT 1 PART 1: GETTING STARTED UNIT 1: The ESL Student and the Native Speaker Differences Between a Native and an ESL Student Pronunciation Homonyms Context Grammar Idioms The Importance of Speaking and Writing Well UNIT 2: Myths About Writing Myths About Writing Standard English UNIT 3: How to Start Writing Freewriting Keeping a Journal Brainstorming Clustering The Topic Sentence PART 2 THE SENTENCE UNIT 4:The Basic Sentence Subject and Verb Kernel Sentences Sentences Worded as Questions Prepositional Phrases Action Verbs and Linking Verbs Helping Verbs Verbals Compound Subjects and Verbs UNIT 5: Building Sentences Dependent and Independent Clauses Three Basic Sentence Types Sentence Variety UNIT 6: Avoiding Non-Sentences Sentence Fragments Avoiding Sentence Fragments Run-on Sentences UNIT 7: VERBS–An Overview Twelve Tenses Present Tense Endings Past Tense Endings Problems with -ing verbs Difficult Verbs: Be, Have, Do Helping verbs UNIT 8: Regular and Irregular Verbs Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Problem Verbs: Lie/Lay, Sit/Set, Rise/Raise Lie/Lay, Sit/Set, Rise/Raise: Does It Really Matter? UNIT 9: Subject-Verb Agreement Do, Does, Doesn’t, Don’t, Was, Were, Wasn’t, Weren’t Indefinite Pronouns Phrases Between a Subject and Its Verb Sentences Beginning with There/Here Questions Compound Subjects Joined by And, Or, Either/Or, or Neither/Nor Who, Which, and That UNIT 10: Problems with Verbs Shifts in Tense Would Have, Could Have, Should Have, and Must Have Double Negatives Active and Passive Voice UNIT 11: Using Pronouns Correctly Antecedent Problems Agreement Problems Indefinite Pronouns Sexist Use of Pronouns Shifting Point of View UNIT 12: Pronoun Problems Case Problems Pesky Pronouns UNIT 13: Using Adjectives and Adverbs Adjectives and Adverbs Comparisons Using Superlatives Using Good/Well and Bad/Badly This/That and These/Those UNIT 14: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers Dangling Modifiers Misplaced Modifiers UNIT 15: Using Prepositions Multiword Prepositions Prepositional Phrases Prepositions in Commonly Used Expressions Frequently Misused Prepositions Frequently Misused Prepositional Expressions PART 3 THE PARAGRPH UNIT 16: Moving from Sentences to Paragraphs Supporting Details UNIT 17: Writing a Solid Paragraph Begin with a Discussible Point Stick to the Point Prove the Point; Don’t Merely Repeat It Link the Sentences UNIT 18: Revising Paragraphs What Is Revision? The Revising Checklist Using Talk Skills to Revise Your Work Getting Rid of Wordiness PART 4 MECHANICS UNIT 19: Punctuation You Can Hear End Punctuation Comma (,) The Apostrophe (’) UNIT 20: Punctuation You Can’t Hear Semicolon (;) Colon (:) Dash (–) Quotation Marks (“”) Parentheses [()] UNIT 21: Capitalization Rules of Capitalization UNIT 22: How to Use the Dictionary Spelling Word Division Pronunciation Grammatical Uses Meanings Usage Labels Origin Synonyms UNIT 23: Spelling Rules Tips for Improving Your Spelling Using a Spell Checker Rules for Spelling UNIT 24: Commonly Misspelled Words Homophones and Frequently Confused Words Commonly Misspelled Words Words Spelled with One or Two Words PART 5: READINGS Help for Your Reading An Object Tortillas, José Antonio Burciaga Beautiful Music, Dana Wall The Cello, Lorena Bruff A Place *How the Lawyers Stole Winter, Christopher B. Daly Letter from Tokyo, Michael A. Lev An Animal Snakes, Michael Ondaatje The Revolt of the Elephants, Ingrid E. Newkirk Sport, Jimmy Carter A Person A Brotherly Bond That Beat the Odds, Bill Paschke Two Roads Converged in a Wood, Jenijoy La Belle Barbie Doll, Marge Piercy An Event *The War Prayer, Mark Twain Shame, Dick Gregory A Problem Señor Payroll, William E. Barrett Talkin’ White, Wayne Lionel Aponte An Argument *Welcome Our Planet, Ourselves, Dominique Browning Cheating, Iyah Romm Table of Contents
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