dimanche 3 mars 2019

File : Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition Test bank For sale

Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition

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Digital file of Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition by Duane Preble, Emeritus, University of Hawaii Sarah Preble, Hawaii State Library Patrick L. Frank, California State University, Monterey Bay ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

I. ART IS...

1. The Nature of Art.

What is Art? Is Art a Necessity? Purposes and Functions of Art. Biography: Jazz, Memory, and Metaphor: Romare Bearden.

2. Awareness, Creativity, and Communication.

Visual Thinking. Perception and Awareness. Looking and Seeing. Aesthetics, Art, and Beauty. Art and Experience. Creativity. Essay: Lady Encounters with the Artist Within. Untrained and Folk Artists. Trained Artists. Visual Communication. Art and Appearances. Form and Content. Seeing and Responding to Form. Biography: A Personal Vision: Georgia O'Keefe. Contemporary Artist at Work: Carlos Fresquez. Iconography.


3. Visual Elements.

Line. Shape. Mass. Biography: Going Beyond Tradition: Henry Moore. Space. Time and Motion. Contemporary Artists at Work: Ginzel and Jones. Light. Color. Texture.

4. Principles of Design.

Unity and Variety. Balance. Emphasis and Subordination. Directional Forces. Contrast. Repetition and Rhythm. Scale and Proportion. Design Summary. Biography: Expression Is Foremost: Henri Matisse.

5. Style.

Cultural Style. Period Style. Regional Style. Group Style. Personal Style. Biography: Art as Social Conscience: Kathe Kollwitz. Biography: Found Joy: Louise Nevelson.

6. Evaluation and Criticism.

Evaluation. Art Criticism. Biography: A Discriminating Eye: Robert Hughes. Essay: On Visiting an Art Museum.


7. Drawing.

Biography: A Life's Work in Ten Years: Vincent Van Gogh. Purposes of Drawing. Dry Media. Liquid Media.

8. Painting.

Watercolor. Tempera. Oil. Acrylic. Encaustic. Fresco. Essay: Art as Activism: The Great Wall of Los Angeles.

9. Printmaking.

Relief. Intaglio. Lithography. Screenprinting. Current Directions. Essay: Handmade Originals in an Age of Mechanical Reproductions.

10. Camera Arts and Computer Imaging.

Photography. Biography: A Photographer at My Very Core: Margaret Bourke-White. Film: The Moving Image. Television and Video. Digital Art Forms. Contemporary Artist at Work: James Johnson. Essay: The Digital Revolution in the Arts.

11. Graphic Design and Illustration.

Design Disciplines. Graphic Design. Illustration.


12. Crafts.

Craft and Art. Clay. Biography: Shaping Her People's Heritage: Nampeyo. Glass. Metal. Wood. Fiber. Biography: Stitched into History: Faith Ringgold.

13. Sculpture.

Freestanding and Relief Sculpture. Methods and Materials. Contemporary Artist at Work: Scott Chamberlin. Kinetic Sculpture. Biography: Art That Moves: Alexander Calder. Mixed Media. Installations and Site-Specific Sculpture.

14. Architecture and Environmental Design.

Architecture. Biography: Deconstructing a Building: Zaha Hadid. Environmental Design. Biography: Radical Innovator: Frank Lloyd Wright. Essay: Where We Live.


15. Prehistoric to Early Civilization.

The Paleolithic Period. The Neolithic Period. The Beginnings of Civilization.

16. Ancient through Medieval in the Middle East and Europe.

Mesopotamia. Egypt. Greece. Rome. Early Christian and Byzantine Art. The Middle Ages in Europe.

17. Renaissance and Baroque.

The Renaissance. Biography: The Artist as Scientist: Leonardo daVinci. Biography: Temperamental Genius: Michelangelo Buonarroti. Baroque. Biography: Insight and Compassion: Rembrandt van Rijn. Essay: Where Were the Women? Essay: The Uphill Battle of Art Restoration.

18. Traditional Arts of Asia.

India. Southeast Asia. China. Biography: “Strange and Great”: Bada Shanren. Japan.

19. The Islamic World.

Arab Lands. Spain. Persia. India: The Mughal Empire. Biography: Islam's Greatest Architect: Sinan.

20. Africa, Oceania, and the Americas.

Africa. Oceania and Australia. Native North America. Biography: Warrior Captive and Artist: Howling Wolf. Pre-Columbian Central and South America. Essay: On Returning Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property?


21. Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

Neoclassicism. Romanticism. Photography. Realism. Biography: Flouting Social Conventions: Rosa Bonheur. Impressionism. Biography: Devoted to Light: Claude Monet. The Post-Impressionist Period. Biography: Nature as Source: Paul Cezanne. Biography: Struggling Idealist: Paul Gauguin.

22. Early Twentieth Century.

Toward Abstraction. Essay: A Judge Confronts Abstract Sculpture: Brancusi v. the United States. The Fauves and Expressionism. Cubism. Biography: Restless Creativity: Pablo Picasso. The Modern Spirit in America. Futurism and the Celebration of Motion.

23. Between World Wars.

Dada. Fantasy and Metaphysics. Surrealism. Biography: Compelling Autobiographer: Frida Kahlo. The Influence of Cubism. Building a New Society. Political Protest. Biography: Painting for the People: Diego Rivera. American Painting.

24. Accelerated Change: Art after 1945.

Abstract Expressionism and Related Art. Photography and Architecture at Mid-Century. Neo-Dada. Biography: Art and Ordinary Life: Robert Rauschenberg. Events and Happenings. Pop Art. Minimal and Hard-Edge. Conceptual Art. Site Works and Earthworks. Installations and Environments. Early Feminism. Performance Art. Contemporary Artist at Work: Meirle Ukeles. Photorealist Painting and Superrealist. Sculpture. Essay: Who Wants to Censor?

25. Recent Diversity.

Postmodern Architecture. Painting. Photography. Sculpture. Public Art. Contemporary Artist at Work: R.M. Fischer. Issue-Oriented Art. The Global Present. Essay: The Cultural Casualties of September 11.



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File : Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition Test bank , Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts, Revised (with Discovering Art CD-ROM), 7th Edition zip , Duane Preble, Emeritus, University of Hawaii Sarah Preble, Hawaii State Library Patrick L. Frank, California State University, Monterey Bay

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