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File : Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition Test bank For sale

Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition

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Digital file of Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition by Peter M. Kettner, Arizona State University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

In this Section:
1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents




Chapter 1:                 Developing a Theory and Philosophy of Management

Chapter 2:                 Understanding the Organization from a Systems Perspective

Chapter 3:                 Using Structure to Facilitate and Support Achievement of the Agency’s Mission

Chapter 4:                 Job Analysis and Job Design    

Chapter 5:                 Maximizing Organizational Performance through Human Resources Planning  

Chapter 6:                 Strengthening the Organization throughExcellent Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Practices  

Chapter 7:                 Maximizing Employee Potential through Staff Training and Development   

Chapter 8:                 Promoting Excellence through Well-Designed Motivation and Reward Systems  

Chapter 9:                 Supervision, Performance Appraisal, Rewards, and Termination  

Chapter 10:               Using Data and Information to Achieve Excellence  

Chapter 11:               Managing Resources to Support Excellence

Chapter 12:               Monitoring and Evaluating Organizational Efforts and Accomplishments  



Chapter 1:     Developing a Theory and Philosophy of Management

Understanding the Manager’s Role  

Defining Management and Administration  

Creating a Positive Work Environment      

Establishing Criteria for Organizational Excellence 

Excellence as Defined by Accreditation Standards 

The Opinions of Managers

Some Themes Emerging from a Study of Organizational Excellence      

The Usefulness of Early Management Theory       

Scientific Management        

Bureaucratic Theory 

Human Relations Theory     

Theory X and Theory Y       

Management by Objectives 

Systems Theory      

Contingency Theory  

The Issue of Quality 

The Issue of Diversity        

Evidence-based Practice and Evidence-based Management        

Some Themes Emerging from a Study of Organizational Excellence

Toward an Integrated Theoretical Framework for Human Services Management        

The Manager as Integrator

Management Roles and Responsibilities


Chapter 2:     Understanding the Organization from a Systems Perspective

What Is a Systems Perspective?  

Understanding the External Environment   

Economic and Political Factors  

Understanding the Internal Environment  


System Integrity and the Fit of Internal Environment to External Environment  


Chapter 3:     Using Structure to Facilitate and Support Achievement of the Agency’s Mission                      

The Importance of Structure  

Structural Alternatives  

The Formal Organizational Chart  

The Informal Organizational Chart: Introducing Flexibility into the Organizational Structure  

Working with Both Formal and Informal Structures    

The Role of the Board of Directors  

Developing a Constitution and Bylaws  

Board/Executive Relationships  


Chapter 4:     Job Analysis and Job Design    

What Is Job Analysis?  

Conducting a Job Analysis  

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information  

Job Analysis as Central to the Human Resources System  

Job Specifications  

The Job Description  

The Job Announcement  

What is Job and Work Design?  

When Can Job Design and Redesign Be Effective?  

What Can Work Design and Redesign Accomplish? 

Job- and Work-Design Strategies  

Reconceptualizing the Human Service Organization  


Chapter 5:     Maximizing Organizational Performance through Human Resources Planning  

Selecting, Hiring, and Retaining the Optimum Mix of Staff  

Human Resources Law  

The Letter of the Law versus the Spirit of the Law  

Human Resources Planning  

Achieving Excellence through Human Resources Planning

Chapter 6:     Strengthening the Organization through Excellent Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Practices  

The Importance of Sound Recruitment Practices  

Steps in the Recruitment, Screening and Hiring Process  

Ongoing Activities  

Pre-search Activities  

Communication with applicants  

Preliminary Screening  

Secondary Screening    



Chapter 7:     Maximizing Employee Potential through Staff Training and Development   

Making a Positive Transition into Employment  

Establishing Training, Development, and Education Policy  



The In-Service Training Curriculum  

Steps in Developing an In-Service Training Curriculum  

The Career Development Plan  


Chapter 8:     Promoting Excellence through Well-Designed Motivation and Reward Systems  

Understanding Employee Motivation  

Theories of Motivation  

Designing Effective Reward Systems  

Incorporating Intrinsic Rewards into the Reward System  

Allocating Extrinsic Rewards and Employee Benefits  

Compensation and Financial Incentives  

Paid Time Off  

Insurance and Retirement Benefits  

Employee Service Benefits  

Alternative Work Arrangements  

Job Security and Internal Mobility  


The Cafeteria Plan  

Motivation, Rewards, and Internal Consistency


Chapter 9:     Supervision, Performance Appraisal, Rewards, and Termination  

Encouraging Optimum Employee Performance  


The Corrective Action Process  

Appraisal Techniques  

Tying Performance Appraisal to Rewards  

Terminating Employees: Voluntary and Involuntary Terminations  

The Voluntary Termination Process   

The Involuntary Termination Process


Chapter 10:   Using Data and Information to Achieve Excellence  

The Importance of Information  

The Quality of Information  

Types of Data and Information Needed in Organizations  

Developing Integrated Information Systems  

Steps to Developing an Integrated Management Information System  

Using Data and Information to Ensure Organizational Consistency and Integrity


Chapter 11:   Managing Resources to Support Excellence

Budgeting Issues in Human Services  

Revenue Sources  

The Budget Cycle  

Resource Allocation  

Managing Resources to Support Excellence  


Chapter 12:   Monitoring and Evaluating Organizational Efforts and Accomplishments  

The Components of Excellence: A Working Hypothesis  

Measuring the Effectiveness of Human Service Organizations  

Identifying Outcome or End-Result Variables  

Assessing Managers’ Perceptions of Causal Variables: Organizational Systems and Subsystems

Assessing Staff Perceptions of Intervening Variables: Opinions on Systems and Processes  

The Components of Excellence: A Working Hypothesis

Measuring the Effectiveness of Human Service Organizations  

Identifying Outcome or End-Result Variables  

Assessing Managers’ Perceptions of Causal Variables: Organizational Systems and Subsystems  

Assessing Staff Perceptions of Intervening Variables: Opinions on Systems and Processes  

File : Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition Test bank , Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, (Subscription), 2nd Edition zip , Peter M. Kettner, Arizona State University

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