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Category : Higher Education
Chapter 1 Word - Working with Templates, Styles, and Charts PROJECT 1A Templates and Styles Objective 1: Create a Document from an Existing Template Activity 1.1 Locating and Opening a Word Template Activity 1.2 Replacing Content Controls in a Template Activity 1.3 Replacing Content Control Text with Text from Another Document Objective 2: Apply and Modify Existing Styles and Create New Styles Activity 1.4 Displaying Existing Styles Activity 1.5 Formatting Text and Paragraphs Using Existing Styles Activity 1.6 Creating a New Paragraph Style Activity 1.7 Modifying Styles Objective 3: Apply a Theme and Create a New Template from an Existing Document Activity 1.8 Adding a Theme to a Document Activity 1.9 Saving an Existing Document as a Template PROJECT 1B Charts Objective 4: Create a Chart Activity 1.10 Inserting a Chart into a Document Activity 1.11 Adding Data and Data Labels to the Worksheet Activity 1.12 Changing the Data in a Chart Activity 1.13 Adding New Data to the Chart Objective 5: Format a Chart Activity 1.14 Changing the Chart Type Activity 1.15 Adding a Chart Title Activity 1.16 Changing the Vertical Axis Scale Activity 1.17 Repositioning the Chart Legend Activity 1.18 Adding Data Labels and Axis Labels Activity 1.19 Changing the Chart Style Objective 6: Work with Sections Activity 1.20 Adding Section Breaks Activity 1.21 Applying Different Formats to Document Sections There’s More You Can Do! Creating a Template Using Content Controls Chapter 2 Word - Creating Form Letters and Working in Groups PROJECT 2A Mail Merge Objective 1: Create a Form Letter Activity 2.1 Setting Up a Form Letter Activity 2.2 Selecting a Data Source Activity 2.3 Editing, Filtering, and Sorting a Data Source Activity 2.4 Inserting Merge Fields Objective 2: Merge Letters with Records from the Data Source Activity 2.5 Previewing Merged Data Activity 2.6 Printing Form Letters Activity 2.7 Merging Form Letters into a Single Word Document PROJECT 2B Outlines and Collaborative Editing Objective 3: Work with a Document Outline Activity 2.8 Using Styles to Define Outline Levels Activity 2.9 Expanding and Collapsing Outline Sections Activity 2.10 Moving Blocks of Text Using the Outline Activity 2.11 Apply a List Format to Outline Headings Objective 4: Track Changes in a Document Activity 2.12 Turning on Track Changes Activity 2.13 Locating Changes in a Document Activity 2.14 Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes Objective 5: Use Comments in a Document Activity 2.15 Adding a Comment to a Document Activity 2.16 Editing and Deleting Document Comments Objective 6: Compare and Combine Documents Activity 2.17 Comparing Two Documents There’s More You Can Do! Protecting a Document and Adding a Watermark Chapter 3 Excel - Using Templates, Range Names, and Lookup Functions Project 3A: Using Excel Templates Objective 1: Open an Excel Template Activity 3.1 Opening an Excel Template Objective 2: Customize a Template Activity 3.2 Adding a Company Logo to a Template Using Word Art Activity 3.3 Adding ClipArt to the Company Logo Activity 3.4 Grouping Graphic Objects Activity 3.5 Adding a Formula to a Template Objective 3: Save a Workbook as a Template Activity 3.6 Saving a Workbook as a Template Objective 4: Enter Data in a Customized Template Activity 3.7 Opening and Using a Template Project 3B: Create a Protected Order Form Template Using Range Names and Lookup Functions Objective 5: Create Range Names (3.1.3) Activity 3.8 Naming a Range Activity 3.9 Modifying a Named Range Activity 3.10 Using Row and Column Titles to Name a Range Activity 3.11 Deleting a Range Name Objective 6: Ensure Data Integrity (1.2) Activity 3.12 Creating a Validation List (1.2.1) Objective 7: Use Lookup Functions Activity 3.13 Retrieving Data Using a Named Range in a VLOOKUP Formula Activity 3.14 Removing Error Codes Using IFERROR Function in a Nested IF Statement Activity 3.15 Creating an HLOOKUP Table Activity 3.16 Retrieving Data Using an HLOOKUP Formula Objective 8: Protect the Worksheet and Save it as a Template Activity 3.17 Hiding Rows Containing Lookup Tables Activity 3.18 Unlocking Cells for Data Entry and Protecting a Worksheet Activity 3.19 Hiding Formulas in the Worksheet Activity 3.20 Setting a Print Area Activity 3.21 Saving the Order Form as a Template Chapter 4 Excel - Importing Data and Using Excel as a Database PROJECT 4A: Import list of customers, and massage list to send Holiday letters, notices of new houses on the market etc. Objective 1: Import Data into Excel Activity 4.1 Importing Data from a Word Table Activity 4.2 Importing Data from a TXT File Activity 4.3 Importing Data from Access Activity 4.4 Importing Data from a Comma Delimited File Objective 2: Clean-up Data from External Sources Activity 4.5 Converting Text to Columns Activity 4.6 Using TRIM Function to Remove Spaces Activity 4.7 Consolidating Data Activity 4.8 Highlight Duplicate Values with Conditional Formatting Activity 4.9 Removing Duplicate Records Project 4B Table of Real Estate Sales Listings Objective 3: Analyze Data with Excel Database Tools Activity 4.10 Creating a Table and Printing the Results Activity 4.11 Adding Data and Using Custom AutoFilters Activity 4.12 Creating Criteria Using Advanced Filter Criteria Activity 4.13 Extracting Data to a New Area on the Worksheet Activity 4.14 Using Dates in a Calculated Field Activity 4.15 Subtotaling, Grouping, and Outlining Data Objective 4: Use Database Functions (3.3) Activity 4.16 Using the DAVERAGE Database Function Activity 4.17 Using the DSUM Database Function Activity 4.18 Using DCOOUNTA Function Activity 4.19 Using DGET Function Activity 4.20 Controlling Print Options Chapter 5 Excel - Summarizing Data and Making Business Decision Project 5A: Grocery Sales data by region/store/department Objective 1: Create and Modify PivotTable Reports Activity 5.1 Organizing Data to Display in a PivotTable Activity 5.2 Creating a PivotTable Activity 5.3 Changing the Value Summary Activity 5.4 Creating a PivotTable with Subheadings Activity 5.5 Formatting a PivotTable Report Objective 2: Create PivotChart Reports Activity 5.6 Creating a PivotChart Report Activity 5.7 Modifying and Moving PivotChart Activity 5.8 Printing PivotTables and PivotCharts Project 5B Objective 3: Compare Dates and Round Numbers Activity 5.9 Determining the Number of Years Between Two Dates Activity 5.10 Creating Whole Numbers with ROUND Functions Objective 5: Apply Business Decisions with Logical Operators Activity 5.11 Applying a Logical Test to a Cell Value and Using the AND Function Activity 5.12 Applying the NOT Function Activity 5.13 Applying the OR Function Activity 5.14 Writing a Nested IF Statement to Determine the Results Objective 6: Insert Comments and Document a Workbook Activity 5.15 Inserting Comments Activity 5.16 Changing the Workbook Properties Activity 5.17 Printing Comments Chapter 6 Access - Designing and Building a Relational Database PROJECT 6A Classes Objective 1: Customize Table Fields Activity 6.1 Adding Captions to Fields Activity 6.2 Creating a Yes/No Field and Set a Default Value Activity 6.3 Creating and populating an Attachment Field Objective 2: Structure Data Input Activity 6.4 Creating a Lookup Field from a Typed List Activity 6.5 Creating a Lookup Field from a Table Activity 6.6 Creating an Input Mask Using a Wizard Activity 6.7 Creating a Custom Input Mask Objective 3: Validate Data Input Activity 6.8 Classifying Fields as Required Activity 6.9 Assigning Default Values to Fields Activity 6.10 Setting Validation Properties Activity 6.11 Testing a Validation System in a For PROJECT 6B Registration Objective 4: Create Indexes and Change Sort Order Activity 6.12 Creating an Index to Optimize Sorting Activity 6.13 Creating an Index to Maintain Data Integrity Objective 5: Create Relationships between Tables Activity 6.14 Establishing a One-to-One Relationship Activity 6.15 Working with Related Tables Activity 6.16 Creating a One-to-Many Relationship Activity 6.17 Creating a Many-to-Many Relationship Objective 6: Create Forms and Reports with Related Tables Activity 6.18 Creating a Relationships Report Activity 6.19 Creating a Query Using Related Tables Activity 6.20 Creating a Form Using Related Tables Chapter 7 Access - Automate Data Entry with Forms PROJECT 7A - Sales Force Objective 1: Create Forms with Subforms Activity 7.1 Creating One-to-Many Relationships Activity 7.2 Creating a Form and Subform using the Form Wizard Activity 7.3 Creating a Form Using the Blank Form Tool Activity 7.4 Adding a Subform using the Subform Control Activity 7.5 Formatting a Form and Subform in Layout View Objective 2: Create Forms with Special Views Activity 7.6 Creating a Split Form Activity 7.7 Creating a Multiple Items Form Activity 7.8 Creating a From with Tabbed Pages PROJECT 5B - Opportunities Objective 4: Build a Form in Design View Activity 7.9 Building a Form in Design View Activity 7.10 Aligning Controls Using Arrange Tools Activity 7.11 Creating a Combo Box with Data from a Related Table Activity 7.12 Adding a List Box and a Combo Box Activity 7.13 Adding a Calculated Control Activity 7.14 Adding an Option Button Group Activity 7.15 Adding a Command Button Activity 7.16 Inserting a Chart Objective 5: Use Advanced Formatting Tools Activity 7.17 Applying Conditional Formatting Activity 7.18 Applying Rich Text Formatting to Data Chapter 8 Access - Customize Data Output with Reports PROJECT 8A Orders Objective 1: Build Reports Based on Queries Activity 8.1 Building a Select Query Activity 8.2 Building a report Based on a Select Query Activity 8.3 Adding Line Numbers and a Record Count Activity 8.4 Optimizing a Report for Black and White Printing Activity 8.5 Building and Modifying Queries Using Copy and Paste Activity 8.6 Building and Modifying Reports Using Copy and Paste Objective 2: Export a Report and Create a Labels Report Activity 8.7 Exporting Reports as Web Pages Activity 8.8 Creating an Aggregate Function Query Activity 8.9 Creating a Labels Report PROJECT 8B Sales Objective 4: Create a Subreport Using Design Tools Activity 8.10 Creating a Report Using Report Design Activity 8.11 Creating a Subreport using the SubReport Wizard Activity 8.12 Formatting a Report and Subreport Activity 8.13 Adding Calculated Controls Objective 5: Summarize Report Data Activity 8.14 Creating a Summary Report Activity 8.15 Inserting a Chart Activity 8.16 Editing a Chart Activity 8.17 Filtering and Printing a Report Objective 6: Create a Report with an Interactive Filter Activity 8.18 Building a Daily Sales Report Activity 8.19 Creating a Filter That Asks for User Input Chapter 9 Power Point - Enhance a Presentation with Advanced Table, Chart, and Animation Techniques PROJECT 9A Recreation Analysis Objective 1: Format a Table Activity 9.1 Creating a Table Activity 9.2 Merging Table Cells Activity 9.3 Adjusting Column Width and Table Size Activity 9.4 Changing Text Direction Objective 2: Use the Draw Borders Feature to Modify a Table Activity 9.5 Inserting a Table on a Title Only Slide Activity 9.6 Applying Borders to a Table Using the Draw Table Feature Activity 9.7 Using the Eraser to Merge Cells Activity 9.8 Filling a Cell with a Picture PROJECT 9B Objective 3: Create and Modify a Pie Chart Activity 9.9 Creating a Pie Chart and Widening an Excel Column Activity 9.10 Modifying Chart Layout and Data Labels Activity 9.11 Selecting and Formatting Chart Elements Activity 9.12 Exploding a Pie Slice Objective 4: Apply Custom Animation Effects Activity 9.13 Adding Entrance and Emphasis Effects Activity 9.14 Adding Exit Effects Activity 9.15 Changing Animation Order and Setting Animation Timing Activity 9.16 Changing and Removing Animation Effects Chapter 10 Power Point - Delivering Custom Presentations PROJECT 10A Learning Community Objective 1: Use Graphic Elements to Enhance a Slide Activity 10.1 Inserting and Recoloring a Picture Activity 10.2 Rotating a Picture Activity 10.3 Cropping a Picture Activity 10.4 Changing Object Order Objective 2: Work with Grouped Objects Activity 10.5 Grouping Objects Activity 10.6 Moving, Sizing, and Formatting Grouped Objects Activity 10.7 Save a Group as a Picture PROJECT 10B Business Certificate Objective 3: Insert Hyperlinks Activity 10.8 Inserting a Hyperlink to a Web Page Activity 10.9 Inserting a Hyperlink to a Slide Activity 10.10 Creating an Action Button to Link to Another Slide Activity 10.11 Hiding a Slide Objective 4: Create and Deliver Custom Shows Activity 10.12 Creating a Custom Show Activity 10.13 Creating a Hyperlink to a Custom Show Activity 10.14 Using Onscreen Navigation Tools Chapter 11 Power Point - Create, Modify, and Share Presentations by Collaborating with Others PROJECT 11A Objective 1: Create a Template by Modifying Slide Masters Activity 11.1 Displaying and Editing Slide Masters Activity 11.2 Saving a Presentation as a Template Activity 11.2 Formatting a Slide Master with a Gradient Fill Activity 11.4 Formatting a Slide Master by adding Pictures and Shapes Activity 11.5 Modifying Placeholders on a Slide Master Activity 11.6 Applying a Template to a Presentation Objective 2: Edit a Presentation Activity 11.7 Adding Comments to a Presentation Activity 11.8 Using Find and Replacing PROJECT 11B Album Objective 3: Create a Photo Album Activity 11.9 Inserting a Photo Album Activity 11.10 Modifying a Photo Album Objective 4: Share Files with Other Users Activity 11.11 Importing a Word Outline Activity 11.12 Printing Handouts in Microsoft Word Activity 11.13 Saving a Presentation as a Web Page Table of Contents
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