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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Unit 1: The Reading and Writing Processes
Module 1
An Introduction to Reading and Writing | Motivation | |
Answer the Question: “What the Point of Reading and Writing?” | Photo Organizer: Reasons to Read and Write | |
Connect Reading and Writing | Readings: "Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation," Aronson, Wilson, and Akert "Definition of Learning," Ciccarelli and White | |
Assess the Reading Situation and the Writing Situation | Reading: Excerpt from An American Slave: Written by Himself, 1849, Frederick Douglass | |
Recognize the Elements of Text | Readings: Excerpt from Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain Excerpt from Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw "A View from Within," DJ Henry "The Well-Adjusted Individual," Hunt and Colander "Symbols and Language," Macionis | |
Develop Tools to Create Meaning through Reading and Writing Activate Prior Knowledge Make Inferences and Implications Create Concept Maps and Outlines Write a Summary | Readings: "The Indian Who Developed an Alphabet," 1909 Harpers' Weekly "Sigmund Freud's Elements of Personality," Macionis "Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development," Macionis "The Story of My Life: Chapter IV," Helen Keller | |
Workshop: Introduction to Reading and Writing | Reading: "I Won't Learn from You," Herbert Kohl | |
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Learning Preferences" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 2
Develop a Reading/Writing Strategy | Hardship and Loss |
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Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Developing a Reading/Writing Strategy?” | Photo Organizer: Develop a Reading/Writing Strategy | ||
Recognize the Phases of a Reading/Writing Strategy |
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Apply the Reading/Writing Strategy: Before, During, and After Reading |
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Preread to Survey Question Read and Question Annotate Recite and Review Brainstorm | Readings: "Stress and Human Resilience," Aronson, Elliot, Wilson, and Akert "Reframing: Finding Meaning in Traumatic Events," Aronson, Elliot, Wilson, and Akert "At What a Cost!," Samuel Bates, 1875 "The Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln, 1863 | ||
Apply the Reading/Writing Strategy: After Reading, Write a Draft |
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Apply the Reading/Writing Strategy: After Writing, Review, Revise, and Proofread Your Draft |
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Review Revise Proofread |
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Workshop: Develop a Reading/Writing Strategy | Readings: "Bereavement," Macionis Excerpt from The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion | ||
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Small Group Roles" | ||
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Unit 2: Develop Vocabulary and Analyze Language
Module 3
Learn and Use New Words | Perception and Reality |
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Answer the Question: “What’s the Point of Learning and Using New Words?” | Photo Organizer: Learning and Using New Words | ||
Employ Context Clues to Comprehend and Make a Point Synonyms Antonyms General Context Examples | Readings: "Interpreting Dreams," Wood, Wood, and Boyd "An Introduction to Metaphysics," Steward, Blocker, and Petrik "Vagabonds," Arthur Rimbaud "Why Zombies, Robots, and Clowns Freak Us Out," Elizabeth Landau "Sensation and Perception," Gerrig | ||
Use Vocabulary Resources in Textbooks to Comprehend and Make a Point Be Aware of Content Area Words Look for Textbook Definitions Use a Glossary | Readings: "The Dreamwork of Surrealist Painting," Sayre "In the Beginning: Psychoanalysis," Ciccarelli and White | ||
Workshop: Using and Learning New Words | Reading: Hamlet, Act I, Scenes iv-v, Shakespeare
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Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "The Process of Urbanization" | ||
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 4
Analyze Word Choice, Tone, and Purpose | Identity and Change | |
Answer the Question: “What’s the Point of Word Choice, Tone, and Purpose?” | Photo Organizer: Word Choice, Tone, and Purpose | |
Connect Topic, Audience, Word Choice, Tone, and Purpose | Readings: "The Role of Myth in Cultural Life," Sayre "Aristotle," Sayre | |
Question and Annotate to Identify Tone and Purpose | Readings: "Story of Narcissus," Ovid Excerpt from The Origin of the Species, Charles Darwin | |
Brainstorm and Draft to Establish Tone and Purpose |
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Review, Review, and Proofread for Tone and Purpose |
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Workshop: Word Choice, Tone, and Purpose | Reading: Excerpt from "Rappaccini's Daughter," Nathaniel Hawthorne | |
Reading and Writing Assignments [MySkillsLab logo] Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "The Death Camps: Murder by Assembly Line" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 5
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion | Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness | |
Answer the Question, “What’s the Point Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion?" | Photo Organizer: Fact and Opinion | |
Distinguish between Fact and Opinion | Reading: "Report of the 1848 Women's Rights Convention," Elizabeth Cady Stanton | |
Survey, Question, and Annotate to Analyze Facts and Opinions | Readings: "A San Francisco Merchant Protests Discrimination Against the Chinese," 1852, Norman Asing Transcript of President Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress "On Indian Removal" (1830) | |
Brainstorm and Draft Using Facts and Opinions |
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Review, Revise, and Proofread for Effective Use of Facts and Opinion Giving Attribution for Reported Speech |
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Workshop: Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion | Reading: The Declaration of Independence | |
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "The Politics of Immigrants: Power, Ethnicity, and Social Class" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Unit 3: Reading and Writing Essays
Module 6
Comprehend and Compose an Essay | Protecting the Environment |
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Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Understanding the Essay?” Levels of Information in an Essay Levels of Information in a Paragraph | Photo Organizer: The Essay | ||
Question, Read, Annotate, and Review an Essay | Readings: "Climate Change: Reducing the Climate Footprint," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "The Dangers of Climate Change," Withgott and Laposata From Silent Spring, "A Fable for Tomorrow," Rachel Carson | ||
Prewrite a Draft of a Central Idea: Thesis Statement |
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Prewrite to Generate and Organize Relevant Details |
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Compose a Draft using Logical Order |
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Revise and Proofread for Effective Language |
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Workshop: Understanding the Essay | Readings: "Marine Debris and the Environment," National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | ||
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Conflict Defined" | ||
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 7
A Reading/Writing Strategy for Research |
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Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Research?” | Photo Organizer: Develop a Reading/Writing Strategy for Research |
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Develop Your Reading/Writing Strategies for Research |
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Choose a Topic to Research | Step by Step: Discover a Research Topic |
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Find and Evaluate Sources What Kind of Information Do I Need? Where Can I Find the Information I Need? How do I Track Sources? How Can I Know the Information I Find Is Reliable or Trustworthy? |
Library Resources and Sources Internet Resources and Sources |
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Avoid Plagiarism throughout the Research Process |
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Master the Basics of MLA In-Text Citations Works Cited Page MLA Formats for Web and Non-Web Sources Key Differences between MLA and APA |
Sample Student Research Essay: MLA Sample Student Research Essay: APA |
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Workshop: Applying the Reading/Writing Strategy to Research |
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Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Dating in Cyberspace" |
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Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Unit 4: Rhetorical Modes and Methods of Development
Module 8
Time Order and Space Order Patterns: Narration, Process, and Description | Breaking Down Barriers to Communication | |
Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Time and Space Order Patterns of Organization?” | Photo Organizer: How do we learn to communicate? | |
Question, Read, Annotate, and Review Passages Using Time and Space Order | Readings: "Language," Ciccarelli and White "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan "Annie Sullivan's Letters about Educating Helen Keller" | |
Prewrite a Draft of a Thesis Statement Using Time and Space Order |
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Prewrite to Generate Relevant Details Using Time and Space Order |
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Compose a Draft Using Logical Order: Time and Space Order | Student Essay: "Overcoming Communication Barriers," Reagan Earnest | |
Revise and Proofread for Effective Language with Time and Space Order |
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Workshop: Comprehend and Create Time and Space Order | Readings: "Do Women and Men Speak Different Languages?" Renzetti "Sex, Lies, and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?" Deborah Tannen Excerpt from My English, Julia Alvarez | |
Reading and Writing Assignments [ Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Listening in Public Speaking" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 9
The Cause and Effect Pattern | Motivation and Achievement | |
Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Cause and Effect?” | Photo Organizer: What are the causes and effects of human motivation and achievement? | |
Question, Read, and Annotate Passages Using Cause and Effect | Readings: "Understanding Motivation," Ciccarelli and White Excerpt from "The Space Economy," Michael Griffin (NASA) Excerpt from Around the World in 72 Days, 1890, Nellie Bly | |
Prewrite a Draft of a Thesis Statement Using Cause and Effect |
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Prewrite to Generate Relevant Details Using Cause and Effect |
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Compose a Draft Using Logical Order: Cause and Effect | Student Essay: "Let Your Life Speak," Alex Obed | |
Revise and Proofread For Effective Language with Cause and Effect |
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Workshop: Comprehend and Create a Cause and Effect Essay | Readings: Remarks by President Obama on the BRAIN Initiative and American Innovation "Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenge Address to the Nation, January 28, 1986," Ronald Reagan "New America," Robert D. Ballard | |
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "What Risks Are Involved in Tattooing?" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 10
The Example Patterns | Living in the Digital Age | |
Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Example Patterns?” | Photo Organizer: What are examples of the pros and cons of living in the digital age? | |
Question, Read, and Annotate Passages Using Examples | Readings: "Ethics in Computing," Evans, Martin and Poatsy "What is Cyberbullying?" Stopbullying.gov "E-Readers Mark a New Chapter in the Developing World," Lynn Neary | |
Prewrite a Draft of a Thesis Statement Using Examples |
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Prewrite to Generate Relevant Details Using Examples |
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Compose a Draft Using Logical Order: Examples | Student Essay: "The Pros and Cons of Living in the Digital Age," Madelyn Miller | |
Revise and Proofread For Effective Language with Examples |
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Workshop: Comprehend and Create an Essay Using Examples | Readings: Excerpt from 1984, George Orwell "What is GPS?" gps.gov "Who is Watching?" Evans, Martin, and Poatsy | |
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Gossip?" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 11
The Classification, Comparison, and Contrast Patterns | Conflict and Resolution |
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Answer the Question, “What’s the Point of Classification, Comparison, and Contrast Patterns?” | Photo Organizer: What is conflict, and how do we resolve it? | ||
Question, Read, and Annotate, and Review Passages Using Classification, Comparison, and Contrast | Readings: "Elements of War and Peace," Macionis Excerpt from Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, 2012 Excerpt from President John F. Kennedy's Commencement Address at the American University, 10 June 1963 | ||
Prewrite a Draft of a Thesis Statement Using Classification, Comparison, and Contrast |
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Prewrite to Generate Relevant Details Using Classification, Comparison, and Contrast |
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Compose a Draft Using Logical Order: Classification, Comparison, and Contrast | Student Essay: "The War Machine," Bethany Cobb | ||
Revise and Proofread For Effective Language with Classification, Comparison, and Contrast |
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Workshop: Comprehend and Create an Essay Using Classification, Comparison, and Contrast | Readings: Broadcast, Outbreak of War with Germany, September 3, 1939, King George VI of England "I Will Fight No More Forever," 1877, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce "United States-Soviet Space Cooperation During the Cold War," NASA | ||
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Categorizing Personality by Types" | ||
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
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Module 12
Argument | Civic Duty |
Answer the question “What’s the Point of Argument?" | Photo Organizer: What makes a good citizen? | |
Question, Read, and Annotate Passages Using Argument | Readings: "The Price of Greatness," Winston Churchill United Nations Charter Excerpt from "The Truman Library Speech," Kofi Annan | |
Prewrite a Draft of a Thesis Statement Using Argument |
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Prewrite to Generate Relevant Details Using Argument |
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Compose a Draft Using Logical Order: Argument | Student Essay: "The Recipe for Good Citizenship," Colleen Fahrenbach | |
Revise and Proofread For Effective Language with Argument |
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Workshop: Comprehend and Create an Essay Using Argument | Readings: Excerpt from On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, 1849, Henry David Thoreau "Is it a Crime for a U.S. Citizen to Vote?" 1872, Susan B. Anthony Speech on the Even of Historic Dandi March, 1930, Mohandas Gandhi | |
Reading and Writing Assignments Writing for Everyday Life Writing for College Life Writing for Working Life |
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Review Test 1 | Reading: "Do Lie Detectors Really Detect Lies?" | |
Review Test 2 |
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Academic Learning Log: Module Review |
Unit 5: 10 Essential Grammar Skills with [MySkillsLab Logo]
Module 13
The Comma
Use Commas Effectively
Module 14
Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences
Recognize and Correct Comma Splices
Recognize and Correct Fused Sentences
Apply Four Ways to Correct Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Module 15
Fragments and Tense Shifts
Recognize Sentences and Fragments
Recognize and Correct Types of Fragments
Use Consistent Person and Point of View
Use Consistent Number
Use Consistent Tense
Module 16
Subject-Verb Agreement: Present Tense
Recognize Subject-Verb Agreement
Use Key Verbs is the Present Tense: To Have, To Do, To Be
Apply Subject-Verb Agreement Tips
Module 17
Adjectives and Adverbs
Recognize Types and Uses of Adjectives
Recognize Types and Uses of Adverbs
Module 18
Use Parallel Words
Use Parallel Phrases
Use Parallel Clauses
Punctuate for Parallelism
Module 19
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Recognize and Correct Misplaced Modifiers
Recognize and Correct Dangling Modifiers
Module 20
Quotation Marks
Use Quotation Marks Appropriately
Module 21
The Apostrophe
Use the Apostrophe Effectively
Module 22
Improving Your Spelling
Apply the Rules for Improving Your Spelling:
Rule 1: Understand How Suffixes are Used
Rule 2: Add –x or –es to Nouns and Verbs to Form the Plural
Rule 3: Double the Final Consonant in Words with One Syllable
Rule 4: Double the Final Consonant in Words with More Than One Syllable
Rule 5: Drop or Keep the Final E
Rule 6: Change or Keep the Final Y
Rule 7: Choose ie or ei
Commonly Misused Words
Unit 6: Additional Readings
1. An Account of Alfred C. Cooley’s Plight in the Face of Hurricane Katrina By Sandra Offiah-Hawkins | Narration |
2. Seven Ages Of Man from As You Like It By William Shakespeare | Process |
3. Niagara Falls By Rupert Brooke | Description |
4. A Doll’s House, a Scene from Act III By Henrik Ibsen | Cause and Effect |
5. Why I Write By George Orwell | Cause and Effect |
6. Fannie Lou Hamer By Maya Angelou | Generalization and Example |
7. I Hear America Singing By Walt Whitman | Definition and Example |
8. Shaking Hands By Edward Everett | Classification |
9. On the Difference Between Wit and Humor By Charles S. Brooks | Comparison and Contrast |
10. The Morality of Birth Control By Margaret Sanger | Argument |
11. 1984 Address to the Commonwealth Club of California By Cesar Chavez | Argument |
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