lundi 1 avril 2019

File : Research-Based Practices in Special Education Test bank For sale

Research-Based Practices in Special Education

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Digital file of Research-Based Practices in Special Education for sale

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Category : Higher Education

Research-Based Practices in Special Education by Bryan G. Cook, University of Hawaii at Manoa Melody G. Tankersley, Kent State University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Introduction to Research-based Practices in Special Education (Bryan G. Cook & Melody Tankersley)


Section 1:       Research-based Strategies for Improving Outcomes in Academics (edited by David J. Chard)


1          Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes in Emergent Reading: Advances in the Field of Early Literacy Instruction (Jill Allor & Stephanie Al Otaiba)


2.         Strategies for Improving Students’ Reading Fluency (Beth Harn & David Chard)


3.         Using Collaborative Strategic Reading to Improve Reading Comprehension (Alison Boardman, Elizabeth Swanson, Janette Klingner, & Sharon Vaughn)


4.         Vocabulary Instruction for Students with or At Risk for Learning Disabilities: Promising Approaches for Learning Words from Texts (Joanne Carlisle, Christine Kenney, & Anita Vereb)


5.         Instructional Practices for Improving Student Outcomes in Solving Arithmetic Combinations (Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Brian R. Bryant, Jacob L. Williams, Sun A. Kim, & Mikyung Shin)


6.         Strategies forImproving Student Outcomes in Mathematics’ Reasoning (Asha Jitendra & Marjorie Montague)


7.         Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes in Written Expression (Linda Mason, Karen Harris, & Steve Graham)


8.   Strategies for Improving Content Area Outcomes (B. Keith Lenz & Janis Bulgren)


9.         Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes in Co-Taught General Education Classrooms (Naomi Zigmond, Kathleen Magiera, Rhea Simmons, & Victoria Volonino)



Section 2:       Research-based Strategies for Improving Outcomes in Behavior (edited by Kathleen Lynne Lane)


10.       Positive Behavior Support: A Framework for Preventing and Responding to Learning and Behavior Problems (Kathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Wendy P. Oakes, & Jemma Robertson Kalberg)


11.       Strategies to Prevent Problem Behavior (Kristine Jolivette, Peter Alter, Terrance M. Scott, Nikki L. Josephs, & Nicole C. Swoszowski)


12.       Students with Disabilities and Academic Engagement: Classroom-based Interventions (Kevin S. Sutherland & Stephen A. Wright)


13.       Strategies to Improve Compliance (Carol Ann Davis & Annie McLaughlin)


14.       Strategies to Address Internalizing Behavior Problems (Lee Kern, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, & Anuja Divatia Mukherjee)


15.       Strategies for Decreasing Aggressive, Coercive, Behavior: A Call for Preventive Efforts (Kathleen Lynne Lane, Hill Walker, Mary Crnobori, Regina Oliver, Allison Bruhn, & Wendy P. Oakes)


16.       Research-based Practices for Social Behavior: Social Skills Training, Replacement Behavior Training, and Positive Peer Reporting (Frank M. Gresham, Lisa Libster, & Keri Menesses)



Section 3:       Research-based Approaches for Assessment (edited by John Wills Lloyd & Timothy J. Landrum)


17.       School-wide Prevention of Academic and Behavioral Difficulties (Matthew Burns & Sara Scholin)


18.       Data-Based Decision-Making in Academics Using Curriculum-Based Measurement (Erica Lembke, David Hampton, & Elise Hendricker)


19.       Best Practices in Assessment for Eligibility-Identification (Berttram Chiang, Suzanne Russ, & Stacey Skoning)


20.       Parental Participation in Assessment and IEP Development (Katharine G. Shepherd, Michael F. Giangreco, & Bryan G. Cook)


21.       Individualized Education Plans: Legal Requirements and Research Findings (Christine A. Christle & Mitchell L. Yell)


22.       Using Assessments to Determine the Least Restrictive Environment for Students with Disabilities (Rick Brigham & Jean Crockett)


23.       Curriculum-based Assessment (John Venn)


24.       Accommodations and Modifications for Assessment (Martha Thurlow, Sheryl Lazarus, & Laurene Christensen)



Section 4:       Research-based Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Targeted Groups of Learners (edited by Robin A. McWilliam)

25.       Research-based Practices in Early Childhood Special Education (Mary Jo Noonan & Patricia Sheehey)


26.       Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities (Tom Scruggs & Margo Mastropieri)


27.       Teaching Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disability: Effective Instructional Practices (Susan R. Copeland & Kay Osborn)


28.       Effective Reading Interventions for English Language Learners (Kathleen King, Alfredo Artiles, & Amanda Sullivan)


29.       Teaching Students with Language Disorders (Laura Justice, Sandra Gillam, & Anita McGinty)


30.       Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Rose Iovannone)


31.       Effective Practices for Promoting Literacy with Individuals who have Physical Disabilities (Mari Beth Coleman & Kathryn Wolff Heller)


32.       Teaching Students who have Sensory Disabilities (Deborah Chen, Rachel Friedman Narr, & Diane P. Wormsley)


33.       Teaching for Transition to Adulthood (David W. Test, Kelly R. Kelley, & Dawn A. Rowe)

File : Research-Based Practices in Special Education Test bank For sale ,Buy Research-Based Practices in Special Education Test bank , Research-Based Practices in Special Education pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Research-Based Practices in Special Education zip , Bryan G. Cook, University of Hawaii at Manoa Melody G. Tankersley, Kent State University

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