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Digital file of Keys to Nursing Success, Revised Edition, 3rd Edition for sale
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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
1. Researching Your Nursing Education: Collecting the Basic Data
What Are Three Ways to Become an RN?
Who Are RNs Today, and What Challenges Do Students Face?
Get Creative: See Yourself at Your Best
What Is the Role of Diversity in Nursing?
How Does an Education in Nursing Promote Success?
Get Practical: Face Your Fears
Get Analytical: Learn from a Mistake
Why Do Nurses Need to Study a Variety of Arts and Sciences?
What Basics Should You Know As You Begin Nursing School?
How Can Successful Intelligence Help You Reach Your Goals?
2. Discovering Nursing: Exploring Your Options
What Opportunities Await Nursing Students?
Get Analytical: Explore Your Interests
What Important Skills Do You Already Have?
Get Creative: Map Out a Nursing Shortage Solution
What Skills Do You Need to Develop to Succeed in Nursing?
What Are Some of the Career Options in Nursing?
How Do Health Care Trends Affect Nursing?
What Can You Expect Once Your Are Enrolled in School?
Get Practical: Discover New Options
3. Values, Goals, Time, and Stress: Managing Yourself
Why Is It Important to Know What You Value?
Get Analytical: Explore Your Values
How Do You Set and Achieve Goals?
Get Creative: Map Out a Personal Goal
How Can You Manage Your Time Effectively?
Get Practical: Make a To-Do List
How Do You Cope with the Stress of College Life?
4. Learning Styles, Majors, and Careers: Knowing Your Talents and Finding Your Direction
How Can You Discover Your Learning Styles?
What are the Benefits of Knowing How You Learn?
Why Do You Need Science and Math to Be a Nurse?
How Can You Choose a Nursing Major?
Get Analytic, Creative, & Practical: Link Your Interests to Intriguing Majors Including Nursing
How Can Multiple Intelligences Help You Explore Majors and Careers?
How Can You Identify and Manage Learning Disabilities?
5. Critical, Creative, and Practical Thinking: Solving Problems and Making Decisions
What Is Successfully Intelligent Thinking?
How Can You Improve Your Analytical Thinking Skills?
Get Analytical: Assess Analytical Thinking Skills
How Can You Improve Your Creative Thinking Skills?
How Can You Improve Your Practical Thinking Skills?
Get Creative: Assess Creative Thinking Skills
Get Practical: Assess Practical Thinking Skills
How Are Analytical, Creative, and Practical Thinking Used Together in Nursing?
6. Reading and Studying: Focusing on Content
What Will Help You Understand What You Read?
How Can You Set the Stage For Reading?
Get Creative: Be the Author of Your Life
What Kinds of Reading Will You Do for Nursing and Science Courses?
How Can SQ3R Help You Own What You Read?
Get Analytical: Find the Main Idea
How Can You Respond Critically to What You Read?
Why and How Should You Study With Others?
Get Practical: Form a Study Group
7. Listening, Note Taking, and Memory: Taking In, Recording, and Remembering Information
How Can You Become a Better Listener?
Get Analytical: Discover Yourself as a Listener
How Can You Make the Most of Note Taking?
Get Practical: Face a Note-Taking Challenge
Which Note-Taking System Should You Use?
How Can You Write Faster When Taking Notes?
How Does Memory Work?
What Memory Strategies Can Improve Recall?
Get Creative: Craft Your Own Mnemonic
8. Test Taking: Showing What You Know
How Can Preparation Improve Test Performance?
Get Creative: Write Your Own Test
How Can You Work Through Test Anxiety?
What General Strategies Can Help You Succeed On Tests?
How Can You Master Different Types of Test Questions?
Get Analytical: Write to the Verb
How Can You Learn From Test Mistakes?
Get Practical: Learn from Your Mistakes
9. Researching and Writing: Gathering and Communicating Ideas
How Can You Make the Most of Your Library?
Get Practical: Discover Your College Library
How Can You Do Research on the Internet?
Get Creative: Google (Yes, It’s a Verb)
What is the Writing Process
Get Analytical: Avoid Plagiarism
How Can You Do an Effective Presentation?
10. Relating to Others: Communicating in a Diverse World
How Do You Experience Diversity?
What Is Cultural Competence in Nursing?
How Can You Develop Cultural Competence?
Get Creative: Expand Your Perception of Diversity
How Can Minority Students Make the Most of College?
Get Practical: Make a Difference
How Can You Communicate Effectively?
Get Analytical: Give Constructive Criticism
How Do You Make the Most of Personal Relationships?
11. Personal Wellness: Taking Care of Yourself
How Can You Maintain a Healthy Body and Mind?
Get Practical: ImproveYour Physical Health
How Can You Make Successfully Intelligent Decisions About Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs?
Get Analytical: Evaluate Your Substance Use
How Can You Make Successfully Intelligent Decisions About Sex?
Get Creative: Find More Fun
12. Managing Career and Money: Reality Resources
How Can You Prepare for Workplace Success
Get Analytical: Connect Values to Career
What Does Your Learning Style Mean for Your Career?
How Can You Explore Career Options in Nursing?
Get Creative: Make a Dream Résumé
What Will Help You Juggle Work and School?
How Can You Create a Budget That Works?
Get Practical: Map Out Your Budget
How Can You Manage Your Credit Cards?
13. Creating Your Life: Building a Successful Future
How Do Ethical Dilemmas Affect Nursing ?
What is the Future of Nursing?
How Will What You’ve Learned Bring Success?
Get Creative: Think 50 Positive Thoughts
How Can You Make a Difference in Your Community?
Get Analytical: Evaluate Your Involvement in Communities
How Can You Continue to Activate Your Successful Intelligence?
How Can You Create and Live Your Personal Mission?
Get Practical: Explore Your Personal Mission
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