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File : Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition Test bank For sale

Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition

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Digital file of Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition by Joseph A. DeVito, Hunter College of the City University of New York ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents


Table of Contents:




1.    Foundations of Interpersonal Communication

                Why Study Interpersonal Communication

                The Nature of Interpersonal Communication

                Elements of Interpersonal Communication 

                Principles of Interpersonal Communication 


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations

            Special Features

                Test Yourself: What Do You Believe about Interpersonal Communication?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Ethical Questions

                Understanding Theory & Research: Communication Theories and Research

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Mindfulness



2.     Culture and Interpersonal Communication


                Cultural Differences

                Principles for Effective Intercultural Communication


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: Ethnocentrism Scale

                Test Yourself: What’s Your Cultural Orientation?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Culture and Ethics

                Understanding Theory & Research: Culture Shock

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Cultural Sensitivity


3.     Perception and the Self and Others in Interpersonal Communication

                The Self in Interpersonal Communication

                Perception in Interpersonal Communication

                Impression Formation

                Impression Management: Goals and Strategies


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How’s Your Self-Esteem?

                Test Yourself: How Accurate Are You at People Perception?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: The Ethics of Impression Management

                Understanding Theory & Research: The Just World Hypothesis

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Other-Orientation



4.     Listening in Interpersonal Communication

                The Importance of Listening

                The Process of Listening

                Listening Barriers

                Styles of Effective Listening

                Culture, Gender, and Listening


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Do You Listen?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Ethical Listening

                Understanding Theory & Research: Listening to Lying

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Openness




5.     Verbal Messages

                Principles of Verbal Messages

                Guidelines for Using Verbal Messages Effectively


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Assertive Are Your Messages?

                Test Yourself: Can You Distinguish Facts from Inferences?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Lying

                Understanding Theory & Research: Theories of Gender Differences

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Metacommunication


6.     Nonverbal Messages

                Principles of Nonverbal Communication

                Channels of Nonverbal Communication

                Nonverbal Communication Competence


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: Do You Avoid Touch?

                Test Yourself: What’s Your Time?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Interpersonal Silence

                Understanding Theory & Research: Theories about Space

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Immediacy


7.    Emotional Messages

                Principles of Emotions and Emotional Messages

                Obstacles to Communicating Emotions

                Emotional Competence

               Emotional Responding


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Do You Feel about Communicating Feelings?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Motivational Appeals

                Understanding Theory & Research: Theories of Emotions

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Flexibility

    Handling Anger: A Special Case Illustration

    Anger Management: SCREAM Before You Scream  


8.    Conversational Messages

               Principles of Conversation     

                Conversational Disclosure: Revealing Yourself

                Organizational Conversation

                Everyday Conversations


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Polite Are You?

                 Test Yourself: How Do You Small Talk?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: The Ethics of Gossip

                Understanding Theory & Research: Online Relationship Theories

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Expressiveness




9.    Interpersonal Relationships

                 Relationship Stages

                 Relationship Theories

                 Relationship Communication


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: What Is Attractive to You?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Your Obligation to Reveal Yourself

                Understanding Theory & Research: Relationship Commitment

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Empathy 


10.    Interpersonal Relationship Types

                Friendship Relationships

                Love Relationships

                Family Relationships

                Workplace Communication

                The Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: What Kind of Lover Are You?

                Test Yourself: Is Violence a part of Your Relationship?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Relationship Ethics

                Understanding Theory & Research: Love Styles and Personality

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Supportiveness 


11.    Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management

                Preliminaries to Interpersonal Conflict

                Principles of Interpersonal Conflict

                Conflict Management Stages

                Conflict Management Strategies


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Verbally Aggressive Re You?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Ethical Fighting

                Understanding Theory & Research: Conflict and Gender

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Equality 



12.    Interpersonal Power and Influence

                Principles of Power and Influence

                Relationship, Person, and Message Power

                Misuses of Power and Influence


                Key Terms

                My Communication Lab Explorations


            Special Features

                Test Yourself: How Powerful Are You?

                Test Yourself: How Credible Are You Interpersonally?

                Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: The Ethics of Compliance-Gaining Strategies

                Understanding Theory & Research: Compliance-Gaining Strategies

                Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Interaction Management


Glossary of Interpersonal Communication Concepts and Skills




File : Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition Test bank , Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Interpersonal Communication Book, The (Subscription), 13th Edition zip , Joseph A. DeVito, Hunter College of the City University of New York

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