mardi 26 février 2019

File : Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition Test bank For sale

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition

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Digital file of Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition by Cynthia Crosson-Tower, Harvest Counseling and Consultation ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

Each chapter ends with “Summary,” “Review Questions,” “Suggested Readings,” “Web Exploration,” and “References.”


Assessing Websites.

1. The Maltreatment of Children from a Historical Perspective.

Children as Property.

Child Labor.

Sexual Values, Attitudes, and Exploitation.

The Incest Taboo.

Recent History of Helping the Abused and Neglected Child.

Child Protection Today.

2. The Family: Roles, Responsibilities, and Rights.

The Definition and Function of the Family.

The Family as a System.

Minority Family Systems.

Family Problems and Dysfunction.

The Family and Child Maltreatment.

3. Maltreatment and the Developing Child.

Developmental Stages.

Development, Maltreatment, and Resiliency.

4. The Neglect of Children.

The Concept of Neglect.

Definition and Measurement of Neglect.

Causes of Neglect.

Problems in Intervention.

Neglected Children.

Neglectful Parents.

5. The Physical Abuse of Children.

Causes of Physical Abuse.

Risk Assessment and Physical Abuse.

Symptoms of Physical Abuse.

Abusive Parents.

Domestic Violence and Other Abuse Within the Family.

6. The Sexual Abuse of Children.

Two Groups' Approaches to Child Sexual Abuse.

Definition of Child Sexual Abuse.

Types of Sexual Abuse.

The Progression of Sexual Abuse.

Incidence of Sexual Abuse.

Profile of the Abused Child.

Degree of Trauma.

Profile of the Perpetrator.

7. Incest: Familial Abuse.

Incest as a Problem Today.

Societal Contributions of Incest.

Father-Daughter Incest.

Father-Son Incest.

Mother-Daughter Incest.

Mother-Son Incest.

Brother-Sister Incest.

Homosexual Sibling Incest.

Incest with Uncles, Grandfathers, and Cousins.

Why Incest Stops.

8. Extrafamilial Sexual Abuse, Misuse, and Exploitation.

Dynamics and Categories of Sexual Abuse Outside the Family.

Sexual Abuse by Clergy.

Sexual Abuse in Daycare Settings.

Sex Rings.

Missing Children.

9. Psychological Maltreatment of Children.

Psychological Maltreatment Defined.

Roots of Psychological Maltreatment.

Characteristics of the Psychologically Abused Child.

Family Dynamics.

Ritual Abuse.

10. Intervention: Reporting and Investigation.

Culturally Sensitive Intervention.

The Intervention Process.

Assessing Aspects of Risk.

Assessing Causes and Services.

Handling Emergencies.

Assessment Interviewing.

11. Intervention: Case Management and Roles of Other Professionals.

Case Management Considerations.

Other Professionals Involved in the Intervention Process.

12. The Legal Response to Child Abuse and Neglect.

The Legal Rights of Parents and Children.

Types of Court Intervention.

Sex Offender Registration.

The Media and the Court.

13. Treatment: Physical Abuse and Neglect.

Preparing to Provide Treatment.

Providing Treatment..

Family-Centered Services.

Treatment of Physically Abusive Families.

Treatment of Neglectful Families.

14. Treatment: Sexual Abuse.

Issues Surrounding Treatment.

Treatment Models.

Treatment Methods.

Treatment of Specific Family Members.

15. Foster Care as a Therapeutic Tool.

Problems with Foster Care.

Alternatives to Foster Care.

Therapeutic Potential in Foster Care.

The Role and Importance of the Natural Parents.

The Role of Foster Parents.

Other Placement for Abused or Neglected Children.

16. The Social Worker and the System.

A Day in the Life of a Protective Worker.

The Role of a Protective Social Worker.

Does the System Work?

Looking Toward the Future.

17. Adults Abused as Children.

Society's Misconceptions.

Reasons for Adults' Disclosure.

Residual Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Effects from the Neglecting Family.

Effects from the Physically Abusing Family.

Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence.

Effects from a Sexually Abusing Family.

Effects from Extrafamilial Abuse.

A Word about Resiliency.

Treatment of Adults Who Were Abused as Children.

18. Prevention.

Prevention Efforts in Schools.

Prevention Efforts with Families.

Prevention Efforts by Professionals.

Prevention Efforts Within the Community and Nationally.

19. Toward a Better Tomorrow.

Changes in the Helping System.

Changes in Society.

Facing the Future.

Research Needs.


File : Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition Test bank , Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (with MyLab Helping), 6th Edition zip , Cynthia Crosson-Tower, Harvest Counseling and Consultation

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