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File : Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition Test bank For sale

Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition

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Digital file of Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition for sale

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Category : Higher Education

Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition by Lynne Gaetz, College Lionel-Groulx, Canada Suneeti Phadke, St. Jerome College ZIP OR PDF for sale 

Table of Contents

The Writer’s World — Paragraphs and Essays 2E Table of Contents


Inside Front Cover — Paragraph and Essay Checklists




Part I       The Writing Process


Chapter 1   Exploring                                                                                  

The Paragraph and the Essay

Visualizing the Writing Process

What is Exploring?




Exploring Strategies

Journal and Portfolio Writing


Chapter 2   Developing                                                      

What is Developing?

Narrow the Topic

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft


Chapter 3   Revising and Editing                                                 

What is Revising and Editing?

Revise for Unity

Revise for Adequate Support

Revise for Coherence

Revise for Style

Edit for Errors

Write the Final Draft



Part II       Paragraph Patterns


Chapter 4   Illustration                                

What is Illustration?

The Illustration Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit an Illustration Paragraph


Chapter 5   Narration                                                          

What is Narration?

The Narrative Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Narrative Paragraph


Chapter 6   Description                                                      

What is Description?

The Descriptive Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Descriptive Paragraph


Chapter 7   Process                                                            

What is a Process?

The Process Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Process Paragraph


Chapter 8   Definition                                                          

What is Definition?

The Definition Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Definition Paragraph


Chapter 9   Classification                                                               

What is Classification?

The Classification Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Classification Paragraph


Chapter 10   Comparison and Contrast                                                                

What is Comparison and Contrast?

The Comparison and Contrast Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Comparison and Contrast Paragraph


Chapter 11   Cause and Effect                                                       

What is Cause and Effect?

The Cause and Effect Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit a Cause and Effect Paragraph


Chapter 12   Argument                                

What is Argument?

The Argument Paragraph

Explore Topics

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Ideas

The Paragraph Plan

The First Draft

Revise and Edit an Argument Paragraph


Part III      The Essay



Chapter 13   Writing the Essay                                          

Explore Topics

The Thesis Statement

The Supporting Ideas

The Essay Plan

The Introduction

The Conclusion

The First Draft

Revising and Editing the Essay

The Essay Title

The Final Draft


Chapter 14   Essay Patterns                                                                                               

The Illustration Essay

The Narrative Essay

The Descriptive Essay

The Process Essay

The Definition Essay

The Classification Essay

The Comparison and Contrast Essay

The Cause and Effect Essay

The Argument Essay


Chapter 15   Enhancing Your Writing with Research                                         

What is Research?

Research for Academic Writing

Gathering Information

Evaluating Sources

Add a Paraphrase, Summary, or Quotation

Cite Sources Using MLA Style

Sample Research Essay Using MLA Style



Part IV     The Editing Handbook



Section 1      Effective Sentences  ª  Section Theme  CULTURE


Chapter 16   Simple Sentences

Identify Subjects

Identify Prepositional Phrases

Identify Verbs

Helping Verbs


Chapter 17   Compound Sentences                                  

Compare Simple and Compound Sentences

Combine Sentences Using Coordinating Conjunctions

Combine Sentences Using Semicolons

Combine Sentences Using Transitional Expressions


Chapter 18   Complex Sentences                                     

What is a Complex Sentence?

Use Subordinating Conjunctions

Use Relative Pronouns

Use Embedded Questions


Chapter 19   Sentence Variety

What is Sentence Variety?

Combine Sentences

Include a Question, a Quotation, or an Exclamation

Vary the Opening Words

Combine Sentences with a Present Participle

Combine Sentences with a Past Participle

Combine Sentences with an Appositive



Section 2      Common Sentence Errors  ª  Section Theme  PSYCHOLOGY


Chapter 20   Fragments and Run-Ons                              




Chapter 21   Faulty Parallel Structure                              

What is Parallel Structure?

Identify Faulty Parallel Structure



Section 3      Problems with Verbs  ª  Section Theme  ESPIONAGE


Chapter 22   Present and Past Tenses                            

What is Verb Tense?

The Simple Present Tense

The Simple Past Tense

Avoid Double Negatives


Chapter 23   Past Participles                                                         

Past Participles

The Present Perfect Tense: have/has + Past Participle

The Past Perfect Tense:  had + Past Participle

The Passive Voice: be + Past Participle


Chapter 24   Other Verb Forms                             

Problems with Progressive Forms (-ing Verbs)

Nonstandard Forms: gonna, gotta, wanna

Problems with Conditional Forms

Nonstandard Forms: would of, could of, should of



Section 4      Verb Agreement and Consistency  ª  Section Theme  COLLEGE LIFE  


Chapter 25   Subject-Verb Agreement      

Basic Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

More Than One Subject

Special Subject Forms

Verb Before the Subject

Interrupting Words and Phrases


Chapter 26   Tense Consistency   

Consistent Verb Tense                                        



Section 5      More Parts of Speech  ª  Section Theme  INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES


Chapter 27   Nouns, Determiners, and Prepositions

Singular and Plural Nouns

Count Nouns and Noncount Nouns




Chapter 28   Pronouns                    

Pronoun Case

Relative Pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose)

Reflexive Pronouns (-self/ -selves)

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Indefinite Pronouns

Vague Pronouns

Pronoun Shifts



Section 6      Modifiers  ª  Section Theme  HEALTH CARE  


Chapter 29   Adjectives and Adverbs                                                                               



Comparative and Superlative Forms


Chapter 30   Mistakes and Modifiers                    

Misplaced Modifiers

Dangling Modifiers



Section 7      Word Use and Spelling  ª  Section Theme  THE LEGAL WORLD   


Chapter 31   Exact Language                                                         

Use Specific and Detailed Vocabulary

Avoid Wordiness ad Redundancy

Avoid Clichés

Standard English Versus Slang


Chapter 32   Spelling and Commonly Confused Words

Spelling Rules

120 Commonly Misspelled Words

Look-Alike and Sound-Alike Words



Section 8      Punctuation and Mechanics  ª  Section Theme  THE WORKPLACE        


Chapter 33   Commas

What Is a Comma?

Commas in a Series

Commas After Introductory Words and Phrases

Commas Around Interrupting Words and Phrases

Commas in Compound Sentences

Commas in Complex Sentences

Commas in Business Letters


Chapter 34   The Apostrophe, Quotation Marks, and Titles

The Apostrophe

Quotation Marks

Punctuation of Titles


Chapter 35   Capitalization and Other Punctuation Marks


Other Punctuation Marks



Section 9      Editing          


Chapter 36   Editing Paragraphs and Essays


Part V      Reading Strategies and Selections



Chapter 37   From Reading to Writing

Reading Strategies

Reading Selections



  • “The Old-Time Pueblo World” by Leslie Marmon Silko
  • “Bound Feet” by Jung Chang
  • “I’m a Banana and Proud of It” by Wayson Choy
  • “Fads” by David A. Locher
  • “Dancing with Fear” by Bebe MooreCampbell
  • “Religious Faith Versus Spirituality” by Neil Bissoondath



§          “How Spies Are Caught”

§          “Nothing But Net” by Scott Bekker

§          “Growing Up in Cyberspace” by Brent Staples



§          “Body Over Mind” by Mitch Albom

§          “Dying to Be Bigger” by H.D.

§          “It’s Class, Stupid!” by Richard Rogriquez

§          “The Case for Affirmative Action” by Dave Malcolm

§          “Control Your Temper” by Elizabeth Passarella



§          “Aunt tee” by Maya Angelou

§          “Dealing With People” by Greg McGrew

§          “Why I Worked for La Migra” by Veronica Ortega

§          “When the Legal Thing Isn’t the Right Thing” by Deborah Mead

§          “A Faith in Other Versus Security” by Barbara Card Atkinson

§          “Interview with Jimmy Baca” by Elizabeth Farnsworth





§       Appendix 1: Grammar Glossary

§       Appendix 2: Irregular Verbs

§       Appendix 3: A Quick Guide to Verb Tenses

§       Appendix 4: Combining Ideas in Sentences

§       Appendix 5: Punctuation and Mechanics

§       Appendix 6: Writing Paragraphs and Essays in Exams

§       Appendix 7: Spelling, Grammar, and Vocabulary Logs






Inside Back Cover

Editing Checklist

Revising and Editing Symbols

File : Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition Test bank For sale ,Buy Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition Test bank , Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition pdf online ,DOWNLOAD Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 2nd Edition zip , Lynne Gaetz, College Lionel-Groulx, Canada Suneeti Phadke, St. Jerome College

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