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Digital file of World History in Brief: Major Patterns of Change and Continuity, Combined Volume, 6th Edition for sale
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Category : Higher Education
Table of Contents
Detailed Contents
List of Maps
List of Features
PART I Early World History: From Origins to Agriculture and New Forms of Human Organization
CHAPTER 1 From Human Prehistory to the Rise of Agriculture
Getting Started Is Always Hard
Human Development and Change
HISTORY DEBATE People in the Americas
The Neolithic Revolution
The Nature of Agricultural Societies
Agriculture and Change
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 2 Early Civilization
Egypt and Mesopotamia Compared
HISTORY DEBATE Women in Patriarchal Societies
Transitions: The End of the River Valley Period
The Heritage of the River Valley Civilizations
New States and Peoples Around 1000 B.C.E.
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 3 Nomadic Societies
Early Nomadic Societies
Nomadic Society and Culture
Nomads and Civilizations
Nomads and Global Patterns
HISTORY DEBATE The Contributions of Nomads
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part I: The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations
PART II The Classical Period, 1000 B.C.E.—500 C.E.
CHAPTER 4 Classical Civilization: China
Patterns in Classical China
Political Institutions
Religion and Culture
WORLD PROFILES Confucius, or Kong Fuzi (c. 551—479 B.C.E.)
Economy and Society
WORLD PROFILES Ban Zhao (c. 48—117 C.E.)
How Chinese Civilization Fit Together
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 5 Classical Civilization: India
The Framework for Indian History: Geography and a Formative Period
Patterns in Classical India
Political Institutions
HISTORY DEBATE Interpreting Civilization, Round Two
Religion and Culture
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES Comparing Systems of Belief
Economy and Society
Indian Influence
China and India
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 6 Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean: Persia, Greece and Rome
The Persian Empire
Patterns of Greek and Roman History
Greek and Roman Political Institutions
WORLD PROFILES Julius Caesar (100—44 B.C.E.)
Religion and Culture
Economy and Society in the Mediterranean
HISTORY DEBATE Mediterranean Civilization and “Western” Civilization
Toward the Fall of Rome
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 7 The Classical Period: Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E.
Beyond the Classical Civilizations
Decline in China and India
Decline and Fall in Rome
HISTORY DEBATE What Caused Decline and Fall?
The New Religious Map
WORLD PROFILES Saint Paul (Paul of Tarsus)
The World Around 500 C.E.
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part II: The Classical Period, 1000 B.C.E.—500 C.E.
PART III The Postclassical Period, 500—1450 C.E.
CHAPTER 8 The Rise of Islam: Civilization in the Middle East
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES The Impact of World Religions
The Advent of Islam
WORLD PROFILES Muhammad (570—632 C.E.)
Patterns of Islamic History
Islamic Political Institutions
HISTORY DEBATE Political Implications of Islam
Islam and Middle Eastern Culture
WORLD PROFILES Omar Khayyam (c. 11th—12th centuries)
Economy and Society in the Middle East
The Decline of Middle Eastern Civilization
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 9 India and Southeast Asia Under the Impact of Islam
The Development of Indian Culture
The Muslim Challenge in India
Southeast Asia
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 10 Africa and Islam
Sub-Saharan Africa and the World Network
The Great Kingdoms
HISTORY DEBATE Handles for African History
Features of African Civilization
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 11 East European Civilization: Byzantium and Russia
The Byzantine Phase
WORLD PROFILES The Emperor Justinian (527—565 C.E.)
The Early Russian Phase: Kievan Rus’
East European Political Institutions
HISTORY DEBATE A Russian Civilization?
East European Religion and Culture
East European Economy and Society
East European Civilization in Eclipse
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 12 Western Civilization: The Middle Ages
Early Patterns in Western Civilization
HISTORY DEBATE Western Civilization
Medieval Political Institutions
Medieval Religion and Culture
Economy and Society
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES Christianity and Syncretism
Women and Family Life
Tensions in the Later Middle Ages
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 13 The Spread of East Asian Civilization
Political and Cultural Developments in China
WORLD PROFILES Taizong (626—649 C.E.)
Economy and Society in China
Civilization in Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
History Debate: East Asian Civilization?
Culture, Society, and Economy in Japan
East Asian Self-Confidence
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 14 Centers of Civilization in the Americas
The Mayas and Aztecs
HISTORY DEBATE What Happened to the Mayas?
The Issue of Isolation
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 15 The Mongol Interlude and the End of the Postclassical Period
Mongol Empires
Bubonic Plague
China and the West as New World Powers
HISTORY DEBATE Causes of Global Change by 1450
The End of Transition: Postclassical to Early Modern
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part III: The Postclassical Period, 500—1450 C.E.
PART IV A New World Economy, 1450—1750
CHAPTER 16 The West and the World: Discovery, Colonization, and Trade
Patterns of Exploration and Trade
HISTORY DEBATE Early Modern Stereotypes
WORLD PROFILES Amerigo Vespucci (1451—1512)
Toward a World Economy
WORLD PROFILES Olandah Equiano
Colonization in Latin America: The Birth of a New Civilization
Latin American Civilization
WORLD PROFILES Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651—1695)
Western Civilization in North America
North and South America: Reasons for the Differences
The World Economy Revisited
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 17 Western Civilization Changes Shape in the Early Modern Centuries
Patterns of Early Modern Western History
WORLD PROFILES Maria Portinari
Political Institutions and Ideas
The Ferment in Western Culture
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES A Revolution in Popular Culture
Transformations in Economic and Social Life
How Early Modern Trends in the West Interrelated
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 18 The Rise of Eastern Europe
Patterns of Early Modern Russian History
WORLD PROFILES Catherine the Great (1762—1796)
HISTORY DEBATE A Russian Civilization?
Russian Political Institutions
Russian Culture
Economy and Society in Russia
The World’s First Effort at Westernization
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 19 The Ottoman and Mughal Empires
The Expanding Force of the Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire in Decline
HISTORY DEBATE Guns and Their Impact
The Mughal Empire: Invasion, Consolidation, and Decline
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES Reactions to Western Values
Western Intrusion into the Mughal Empire
The Rise and Decline of Asian Empires
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 20 East Asia: Vital Trends in Politics and Trade
China: The Resumption of the Dynasties
Cultural and Social Trends: Some New Problems
HISTORY DEBATE Chinese and Western Economies
Japan and the Origins of Isolation
WORLD PROFILES Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536—1548)
Vitality and Tension in East Asia
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part IV: A New World Economy, 1450—1750
PART V The World’s First Industrial Period, 1750—1914
CHAPTER 21 The First Industrial Revolution: Western Society, 1780—1914
Patterns of Industrialization
Causes of Industrialization
HISTORY DEBATE Consumerism and Industrialization
Effects of Industrialization
The Period of Revolution, 1789—1848
The Postrevolutionary Era and Nationalism, 1848—1871
“The Social Question,” 1871—1914
Western Political Institutions in the Industrial Revolution
WORLD PROFILES Mary Wollstonecraft (1759—1797)
Western Culture in the Industrial Century
Industrial Society
HISTORY DEBATE Women in Industrial Society
Gain and Strain in Industrialization
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 22 World Economy and Western Imperialism: Africa and South Asia
The Reasons for Imperialism: Motives and Means
HISTORY DEBATE Causes of the Abolition of Slavery
Imperialism in India and Southeast Asia
Imperialism in Africa
WORLD PROFILES John Mensah Sarbah (1865—1910)
Comparing Colonies
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 23 The Settler Societies: The West on Frontiers
The United States
HISTORY DEBATE Exceptionalism
The Newer Settler Societies
Special Features of Settler Societies
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 24 The Development of Latin American Civilization
The Wars of Independence
WORLD PROFILES Simón Bolívar (1783—1830)
The Period of Consolidation
Late-Century Trends: Dictatorship, Immigration, and Western Intervention
WORLD PROFILES Benito Juárez (1806—1872)
Political Institutions and Values
HISTORY DEBATE Is Latin America Western?
Culture and the Arts
Economy and Society
Tension and Creativity
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 25 The Middle East and China in the Imperialist Century
The Attempt to Modernize Egypt
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
The Rise of Nationalism
China Faces Imperialism
HISTORY DEBATE China’s 19th-Century Sluggishness
The Need for Further Change
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 26 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West
Russian Conservatism: An Alternative to the West
The Beginnings of Russian Industrialization
The Foundations of Revolution in Russia
UNDERSTANDING CULTURES Persistence and Change in Russia
The Culture of Eastern Europe
The Opening of Trade in Japan
Japanese Industrialization in Response to the West
HISTORY DEBATE Different Confucian Paths
Cultural and Economic Effects of Japanese Industrialization
The Strain of Modernization
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 27 World War I and the End of an Era
The Onset of World War I
HISTORY DEBATE Causes of World War I
A World History Watershed
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part V: The World’s First Industrial Period, 1750—1914
PART VI The Contemporary World
CHAPTER 28 The West in the Contemporary Period
Patterns of Western History: 1914—1945
Patterns of Western History: 1950 to the Present
Western Political Institutions in the 20th Century
Contemporary Western Culture
Economy and Society
WORLD PROFILES Simone de Beauvoir
A Postindustrial Age?
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 29 Eastern European Civilization
The Russian Revolution
HISTORY DEBATE Women and the Russian Revolution
Patterns of Soviet History After 1923
Soviet Political Institutions
Soviet Culture
Economy and Society
The Explosion of the 1980s
Dismantling the Soviet Empire
Renewed Turmoil After 1991
Uncertain Futures in Eastern Europe
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 30 East Asia in the 20th- 22nd Centuries
A Clash of Cultures: Revolution and War
WORLD PROFILES Sun Yat-sen (1867—1925)
Return to Stability in Japan
Upheaval and Ongoing Revolution in China
East Asia Toward the End of the Century
Japan, Incorporated
HISTORY DEBATE Japan and Westernization
The Pacific Rim
China Under Communism
East Asia and the World
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 31 India and Southeast Asia
The Rise of Nationalism
The Nonviolent Strategies of Gandhi
WORLD PROFILES Mohandas Gandhi (1889—1948)
Nationalism in Southeast Asia
Decolonization After the War
Southeast Asia After Independence
India and Pakistan
HISTORY DEBATE Women’s Conditions in India
India and China
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 32 Middle Eastern Civilization in the 20th Century
Replacing the Ottoman Empire
Assertions of Arab Nationalism
The New Role of the State
The Rise of Fundamentalism
Middle Eastern Culture and Society
New Tensions in the Early 2000s
A Troubled Region
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 33 Latin America in the 20th Century
Latin America in 20th-Century World History
The Mexican Revolution, 1910—1920s
Effects of the Depression, 1930s—1950s
Revolution and Response, 1950s—1990s
Latin American Culture
Economy and Society
HISTORY DEBATE Latin America and the Third World
Toward a Greater World Role?
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 34 Sub-Saharan Africa: From Colonies to New Nations
Emerging Nationalism
The Transformation to Independence
The Challenges of New Nationhood
African Political Culture
African Culture
HISTORY DEBATE The Question of Identity
Economy and Society
Defining the New Africa
Paths to the Present
CHAPTER 35 The Early 21st Century: World History and the Future
After the Cold War
The Spread of Democracy
HISTORY DEBATE How Much Historical Change?
A World of Regions: Disputes and Alliances
Ethnic Conflict
The New Technology
Business Organization and Investment
Cultural Globalization
Institutions of Globalization
Protest and Economic Uncertainties
Nationalism and Religious Currents
Global Terrorism
Global Warming and a Planet in Peril
Projecting from Trends
Paths to the Present
Tensions: CONTACTS AND IDENTITIES Part VI: The Contemporary World
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